getting life in order to homeschool

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getting life in order to homeschool

Post by ninipelley » Sat May 29, 2010 1:11 pm

Okay- this summer I vow to get our life under control.
We have 4 children: 7,5,2,9mths. Maybe more in future.
I need to be on a schedule as our life is chaos. but not completely rigid as that's impossible given the ages.
I have already thought of some "chores" for the kiddo's. They do some already but not consistently.
I was curious as to how some of you manage this and incorporating their attitude, incentives, consequences and possible allowance and school into this. A BIG one being the "ATTITUDE" of the oldest one. :?:
2011-2012 plan
9.5 yr dd Preparing
7 yr ds finishing LHFHG
4 yr dd learning letters
almost 3yr dd tagging along

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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by countrymom » Sun May 30, 2010 5:21 am

I recently bought a small white magnet white board and made up picture magnets (so our 3 yr old could also use it) to outline our day. I don't put times, that is too rigid for us. I divide the board into morning and evening, with lunch being in the middle. We have a chore, play, reading time, mommy work time, mommy play time (with the boys) and schoolwork magnet. Each morning we line them up in the order the day will go. It has helped us so much. I say us because even though our boys have chores, I was bad about just doing a chore when I had the chance instead of getting the boys involved as I should. Now I know chore time is coming and just leave the laundry on the bed until then, etc. It has really helped our oldest, who needs structure and to know what is happening. When he sees that mommy playtime is coming, he is content to play on his own first and so on. That is the organization piece that could very well help some of the other issues depending on the temperaments of your children. Let's see, attitude, allowance , consequences, incentives - you could write a book on that.
Allowance: we do not tie it to assigned chores. There are many thoughts and ways you can do an allowance; that is our choice because we want our children to learn there are responsibilities you must take on in life that don't necessarily come with a pay check.
Consequences: We really emphasize privileges in our house (and you would be surprised what can actually be a privilege when you think about it), so we lose privileges. Basically, their behavior dictates how much privilege they have.I attended a parenting seminar at the Cincinnati convention this year that reminded me consequences do not need to be immediate once your child is age 3. That has been very helpful because sometimes there simply is not a good immediate consequence, but you always have a privilege coming, or a bedtime to move up, etc.
Attitude: This is why we homeschool. We are training our children and it is a huge job. Besides consequences for poor attitude, we really spend time with our children in family worship and so on. I try to find books that emphasize character traits (and love HOD for this). We pray with our children and spend a lot of time talking to them about how Jesus can help them. It is a process, albeit discouraging at times. We also pray for our children diligently.
That is just a nutshell summary, hope something helps. I will say lining up your daily schedule for all to see first thing am could turn out to be very helpful - I have been so pleasantly surprised just how much it did for us.
Wife to J
Big J - LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, Rev to Rev, Modern Missions, beginning parts of World Geography
Little J - LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, working in CTC

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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by lisaha » Sun May 30, 2010 11:47 am

This last school year:
I set up a schedule using "Manager's of Thier Homes". The schedule is followed when we are at home and mom gets the say so for changes, I'd say it gives a good idea of what is going on, but it doesn't dictate our day. I have 5, 1 1/2, 3, 4, 6 (almost 7), 9 with a new little one due in the fall. THey are wonderfully busy blessings. :) WE start our day at 7, eat, get dressed, the older two start on math and LA's while I get the little ones dressed and youngest two diapered and the youngest nursed. Then the youngest go play I do reading with one child, the older plays with the youngest three, then I do reading with the other while the one I just did reading with does preschool with the 4 year old. Then we come together and do Bible, science and social, any read alouds ex... The youngest often listen and sometimes snuggle on my lap or run off and plays. This last school year we finished around 11. The oldest then emptys the dishwasher, the second oldest gets the mail, I nurse the baby and snuggle with little ones then start dinner. Eat, oldest sweeps while I clean kitchen, youngest 4 clean up toys, 1:00 quiet time, 3:00 up from quiet time, snack, play time with mommy. Then supper prep, eat, second oldest sweeps, oldest and three youngest pick up toys, 7-8 bed time. Mondays quiet time is used for room pick-up, if the oldest two want to earn a quarter they pick up the youngest two's rooms.
WE reward the children when they obey right away, disapline when they do not. Lots of prayer! :)

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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by GingerN » Sun May 30, 2010 12:47 pm

Perhaps some of the suggestions on the Flylady website would help you get into a simple routine. I also recommend her book Sink describes her philosophy and the need for simple, doable routines in our homes and in our lives. The website has all the tips for organizing, encouragements, and wonderful scheduling suggestions that have really blessed my family and me.

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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by HollyS » Sun May 30, 2010 4:37 pm

I wrote out a bunch of their chores on popsicle sticks. They each draw 3 sticks in the morning. They think it's kind of fun...for chores anyway. :lol: Getting rid of excess toys is a big help since there isn't as much to pick up. I need to get rid of more before we start school up again. I'll be watching for ideas to deal with attitude. :oops:
Holly, mom to 4
DD 10 and DS 7 -- Bigger
DD 5 -- LHTH
DD 2


Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by KimS » Sun May 30, 2010 4:51 pm

I would love to be accountable with you on this. I need to do this too. We could help each other out. If you want I will give you my email.

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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sun May 30, 2010 7:56 pm

For getting household related things in order, (which is huge to me since I can't seem to get anything else done if my house isn't pretty well in order), I really like the methods and ideas in "The House That Cleans Itself". I just read the first sample chapter and went to work...made a big difference!! Love her ideas. As for the tasks themselves, I didn't know what to do and when to do steps Motivated Moms. LOVE it!!!

I could use ideas on the attitude issue too!
Enjoying HOD since 2008

DD15 long-time HODie finding her own new path
DS12 PHFHG {dysgraphia, APD, SID}
DD new nursling

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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by Mommamo » Sun May 30, 2010 8:18 pm

We've been using the Accountable Kids system we bought from their website. It rocks! It has certainly brought a lot of responsibility and better attitudes to my home (and the kids are doing great as well! :lol: :wink: j/k).

I'll also second Motivated Moms. It sure helps me to get my stuff done. Something else that helps is HOD doesn't take up the entire day, so it does feel like there is more time to get things done.
Momma to my 4 sweeties:
DD 14 - MTMM and DITHOR (completed LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, took a couple years off, and now she's back!)
DS 11 and DD 9 - Preparing(completed 2 rounds of LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, and Bigger)

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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by khbmom » Mon May 31, 2010 8:13 am

For us, I've found that routine is better than schedule. Also, my biggie is asking the Lord to guide my to do list as part of my morning prayer time. I struggled with getting the house under control for a while - I would either be to ridged and exhausted or too lax. I read a lot on organization, but nothing helped long term until I got The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized by Karen Ehman. Tons of good information, easy read, but has exercises that help you figure out what will work for you! Since using the book about 3 years ago, I can say that while my home isn't always perfect, it takes minutes to put back in order not hours or even days. We also do 5 minute pickups before lunch and dinner and if needed, before bed. That usually takes care of all of the clutter.

My boys have their chores and usually help w/o complaint. I don't use a specific system but they do have assigned tasks. It hasn't always been easy, at times still isn't but usually reminding them that as part of a family we all have to work together is all that it takes. We also "work before play" so that helps - if they know once A & B are finished it's playtime they're usually ready to get it done. My older boys love to play their DS and the Wii, but they don't get to play if they don't do th/ir chores or if they give attitude. For example, my oldest son has lost all of his game time b/c of his attitude and speaking rudely to his brother. I can guarantee that tomorrow will be a better day and he has already improved today.


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Re: getting life in order to homeschool

Post by my3sons » Mon May 31, 2010 9:14 am

We have a little room checkoff on each of their doors that's laminated, and a body check that's on the bathroom cupboard door for each of them that is laminated. They use a dry erase marker to check off the things as they do them. It has cut down on me having to remind them what to do over and over:
Image Image

As far as chores, each child is assigned certain chores according to their age that they keep for several years. I hang a weekly chore chart on the side of the fridge for each of them to check off with a pencil each day. We've tried laminated charts, monthly charts, and many other things - but this format has been the most successful for us:
Image Image

We practice these charts in the summer with me overseeing them more carefully, and by the time the school year starts they have it down to about 15 minutes for each chart. To make the charts, I jot down on a list of paper the things that need to be done in the day to day for the house to be fairly clean and organized. Then, I divvy out the chores according to age and teach each child their chores individually until they have it down. HTH! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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