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Re: working in two guides

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:55 pm
by my3sons
8smiths wrote:...My thought is to have Emma continue progressing with grammar, dictation, DITHOR, and Math, but keep the other things (basically just Poetry and Writing assignments) within the guide that she is working in with Noah. Does this sound right? Should I be concerned with the lack of writing assignments if we leave them out? (She turned 9 in April and will be considered 4th grade for the upcoming year).

Good question! :D I do think that it is very nice to do RTR's writing with RTR because it is history based. Other years wouldn't matter as much though. I also think it would be nice for Emma to get to do BHFHG's poetry since she hasn't done it yet, and it is wonderful. :D So, because Emma will be doing R & S English which includes writing, and because the target age range for BHFHG is 7-9 yo, and she's 9 yo this year, I think I would just do the BHFHG poetry instead of the PHFHG poetry with writing lessons. You'll still be having her continue with grammar, dictation, DITHOR, and Math, so this works fine - and R & S English does have writing in it already. If you were using a different grammar program, you'd need to add some writing, but R & S English has enough. HTH! :D

In Christ,

P.S. For others that are using upper guides and need an extra year of writing to keep RTR's writing with RTR, you could do a year of "Igniting Your Writing". :wink: Of course, this would be an option for Emma too, but due to the above considerations, I think it's a better decision just to do BHFHG.