Help for a Thecond Grader

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Help for a Thecond Grader

Post by Callia » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:59 am

Yes, you read my subject line correctly. :wink:

My daughter is eight years old and currently a second/third grader. She has a summer birthday, and since she simply didn't seem ready for kindgergarten when she turned five, I waited. But in January of that school year, she did seem ready, so we started K. mid-year.

It has been that way each year, so we jokingly call her a Thecond (third/second) grader this year.

Age-wise she could be in third grade right now, and she thinks of herself that way with her peers. But if I am honest, she really is more like a second grader in her language skills. She is definitely still in the emergent reader category.

As someone who taught third grade for many years, I know that she would be in a "low reading group" in a third grade classroom.

So....that said, I am considering placing her in one of the HOD years. I am leaning toward Bigger for her. However, I am stuck once again, as we have just finished our second-grade curriculum. I hesitate to begin another year mid-year again. It is just too complicated to be different from everyone else.

I would appreciate any thoughts. Should I wait to begin Bigger in August? If so, do you have any recommendations for between now and August? Maybe Bigger isn't even our best placement???

I guess I need help! :)

Thank you!

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Replying to Myself!

Post by Callia » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:46 am


I am thinking this through and wondering if this would work. Could I start using parts of "Bigger" now? I could go through the Emergent reader plans as well as some of the "younger" variations of the plans. Then in August we could start full-fledged from the beginning and maybe my daughter would be reading for the DITHOR 2/3 program??

Or should I get ahold of a used copy of Beyond and just go through the second half of that?

I hope I don't sound too confused to answer!! I really haven't had the whole program in my hand, so what I am suggesting may not make sense!

Thank you for helping me think this through.

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Re: Replying to Myself!

Post by blessedmomof4 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:58 pm

Callia wrote:Okay.

I am thinking this through and wondering if this would work. Could I start using parts of "Bigger" now? I could go through the Emergent reader plans as well as some of the "younger" variations of the plans. Then in August we could start full-fledged from the beginning and maybe my daughter would be reading for the DITHOR 2/3 program??

Or should I get ahold of a used copy of Beyond and just go through the second half of that?

I hope I don't sound too confused to answer!! I really haven't had the whole program in my hand, so what I am suggesting may not make sense!

Thank you for helping me think this through.
Hi Callia,
I hope Carrie comes in on this for you, because she has been a great help in my thinking things through. I would like to say that, since you are homeschooling, it really doesn't matter what time of year you start (or finish, which was my worry :oops: ) If you really think your daughter is more a second grader, Beyond would give her a gentle and enjoyable experience, I think, starting right at the beginning. But if you wanted to challenge her more and be more formal, Bigger would work well too.
Lastly, Carrie always points out that language skills are the most important criteria in placing your child. I hope that makes sense.
Wife to Danforth
2 grads 9/19/92,7/8/95
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Post by Melanie » Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:03 pm

Welcome to the boards! :D You'll get an better answer from Carrie, but here's my .02. :wink:
I think I would be more apt to go with Beyond and start it now. The emergent readers are scheduled in Beyond and there are some extra readers scheduled in the appendix that go up to a 3rd or 4th grade level (I think, I loaned my book out to my cousin-in-law who just pulled her daughter out of ps after Christmas and I've got my fingers crossed that she will go with HOD :wink: ). Bigger also requires more writing than Beyond.
Beyond is a great building year and will help get your dd ready for the more challenging work in Bigger.

HTH, Melanie
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Post by Carrie » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:35 pm


Welcome to the boards! We're glad you're here. :)

You've gotten some great help from Lourdes and Melanie. Maybe some other moms will weigh in here too with their 2 cents.

I'm wondering if you have gotten a chance to look over the placement chart on our website? That is the best place to begin when deciding between two of our programs. Here is the link to the chart:

As Lourdes said, the language arts (reading, writing, grammar) and the math areas are the first consideration in placing a child in one of our programs. As both Lourdes and Melanie said, "Beyond..." would give you a gentler more foundational year, and "Bigger..." would be more challenging.

It would be tough to do the last half of "Beyond...", so you'll want to begin at the beginning of whichever of our 2 programs you feel suits you better.

I would also begin the program you choose as soon as you're able as there's no reason to wait until next year just to be able to start and finish in the same year. I know for those of us (me included) who like to reach the finish line each year, it can be difficult to start or finish curriculum mid-year. But, I've found that becoming less important to me the further we go in our homeschool journey.

Many of us don't have children that fit neatly in a grade level either. It's the beauty of homeschooling that we can meet our kids where they're really at academically.

Once you've gotten a chance to look at the placement chart, let us know where you think your daughter fits best. Then, we can help better with any other placement questions you might have.


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Thank you and Follow Up Question

Post by Callia » Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:40 am

I want to thank everyone who has welcomed me and replied to me.

I looked closely at the placement chart. I admit that my first look was not "closely" as I had a preconceived notion that we were beyond "Beyond." :)

Right now my daughter is reading "Milly-Molly-Mandy" with me during reading time. She is okay with that but would not yet be ready to read the book independently without many gaps.

When I look at the Emergent Reader books, I think she falls right in the middle of that list. Frog and Toad books would be too easy--and she is clamping at the bit for MORE CONTENT. She would love to try reading The Courage of Sarah Noble. We have it now, and it looks near her instructional level but too difficult for independent reading.

We have used SWR for spelling/phonics and she is a "good little speller" testing right at the beginning of 3rd grade level. She loves to write stories. Having been a third grade teacher, I recognize her level of story as pretty typical for both 2nd grade or beginner 3rd grade. "Then the girl asked her mother if she could play in the snow. The mother said yes. Then the girl went out in the snow." (Just an example lifted from a story she just wrote)

Her handwriting has recently taken a great leap forward. Recently it has become lovely. She still works best with 2nd grade paper that has the line for the middle-level letters.

In Math she has just completed MUS Level Beta and is ready for Gamma.

From what I can gather from the placement charts, her reading may be Beyond level, but her writing and math seem like they place her as ready to begin Bigger.

What do you think? I am willing and ready to do what is best for this little girl. She is my last one and I have not given her the time to build the foundation that I gave the others. She is a precious little girl, very obedient and loving. Even though quiet, she has recently made it clear that she NEEDS more instruction. She WANTS to move ahead. She wants to learn. She is quite intelligent I think and has been left on her own academically way too much for an 8yo. I regret that. With a well-planned, easy-to-implement program, I can give her what she needs.

Thank you so much for your help. I feel so blessed to have found this curriculum. Just when I was about ready to march this little girl down to the nearest Christian school, someone mentioned this program in passing. It was as if it was SHOUTED to me. I knew I had to investigate it for our family.


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Post by Melanie » Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:07 am

You're does sound like she's ready for Bigger! :D I've not used it, just going by what others have said, but it seems the writing is one of the big issues with moving into Bigger. Your dd sounds like she's ready for that jump. I've got a copy of Beyond and I think the spelling might be too easy for her. I think the emergent readers are also scheduled in Bigger and I'm guessing there are some other readers that are a little harder scheduled in the back. (I am finding that the appendix of each book is like an extra little surprise treasure....thank you Carrie!)

I think I would go ahead and start now, if you can. Keep us posted on how it goes. I'm just on Little Hearts, but I love reading how the older programs are going....makes me excited to get there! :D
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Post by Carrie » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:32 pm


Thanks for sharing about your little daughter. She sounds precious! From what you've shared, I agree with Melanie and with your initial assessment that "Bigger..." is the best placement for your daughter overall. It's true that the writing steps up in "Bigger...", and it sounds like your dd is ready for that.

As far as the reading goes, I would start your dd in the middle of the Emerging Reader schedule and work through the last half or so of it, using the last half of the books from the Emerging Reader Set. Then, next year I would begin her in Level 2/3 of "Drawn into the Heart..." and use the Book Pack for Level 2 (or books at a similar level that you choose yourself).

For the math, I am assuming that you will be staying with MUS, since it seems to be working for your dd. So, that is not a placement consideration in our program.

For spelling, I would use the dictation passages in the Appendix of "Bigger...", as it sounds like she's ready for that too.

You won't need the extension package for "Bigger...", and you may choose to use one of our deluxe packages for read-alouds or choose your own based on the lists we have in the Appendix.

If you are using our science, you'll need to add the Science adder to the Economy Package.

Hope that helps! Let us know if you have other questions and keep us updated on how it all goes.


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Post by my3sons » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:55 pm

Hi Callia! I just wanted to say your post about your daughter touched me. You just love her so much - how blessed she is to have you for a mom! We did Beyond... last year and Bigger... this year. I think your placement for her in Bigger... sounds just right! The placement chart is usually right on for advice, and if Melanie and Carrie think Bigger... too, you're probably set to go! I respect their opinions very much.

We did what Carrie is saying with our son. We did the Emerging Reader's Set and then after finishing that, began with DITHR Level 2/3 in the middle of the school year. It was an easy transition, so don't worry about that. Well, I think you have a good plan for your little honey! Keep us "informed" about what's happening with you gals, and I know you'll enjoy Bigger... as much as we are!
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Post by Callia » Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:41 pm

Thank you for such specific advice. I really appreciate the details. It helps me to feel more confident that this is a good fit for my daughter and our family.

"Bigger" sounds just right for us.

Starting in the middle of the Emergent Reader list also seems right.

I plan to use the history and the science books for the program too.

It looks like everything is falling into place. I am at peace about the decision and excited to begin! :lol:

I appreciate your helpfulness so much.

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