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WG Fallacies

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:44 am
by mrsrandolph
This mom is discouraged. My WG daughter does NOT GET FALLACIES! She is so smart. However, she is a LITERAL thinker. I have even gone over each type up to genetic fallacy (which is where she is). I have made her a little "cheat sheet" of what each type is to refer to. I am at the end of my rope. Has anyone else encountered this or does anyone have suggestions?

Re: WG Fallacies

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:16 pm
by LynnH
I think Fallacy Detective is challenging and some of that is the sense of humor. I know my son would get frustrated when the answer was something like none or some humorous answer. One thing I didn't realize until someone pointed it out is that Fallacy Detective is not to be graded. She gets a 100% no matter how she does on the exercises. With my son I just went over the answer on what he missed and we would look it up together and talk about why it was the fallacy it was. The fallacies are all repeated and explained in a little more black and white manner in The Art of Argument. That is the book you grade.

Re: WG Fallacies

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:33 pm
by mrsrandolph
Thanks Lynn. I did not realize it was not to be graded

Re: WG Fallacies

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:52 am
by LynnH
I made it thru many weeks before I realized they weren't supposed to be graded. It is in the grading guidelines, but since I didn't have a Charlotte Mason education I tend to skim read lol and apparently I missed it. This is what it says for anyone else reading this post.

Completion of exercises from
The Fallacy Detective
% of total grade)
To aid in better understanding and recognition of the various fallacies, students
should complete the assigned exercises and immediately compare their answers to
the “Answer Key” at the back of
The Fallacy Detective.
When an
exercise reflects
that a student is struggling with understanding a fallacy, the teacher should meet
with the student to discuss the exercise and help the student gain understanding.)

And this is what is says for Art of Argument:
Completion of the lessons and worksheets from
The Art of Arg
% of
total grade)
(Note: Since students will have already completed
The Fallacy
prior to beginning
The Art of Argument,
for this part of the course
students will complete the assignments and hand them in to be corrected, rather
than checking the answers themselves. This is because students should have some
familiarity with the fallacies that will aid them in better understanding, making
immediate feedback a bit less important.)