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Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:11 pm
by allofakindfamily
From everything I gather, I do not believe that this will be an issue with HOD, but please ........

are there ANY books in the programs that use foul language -- like page after page??? We just came from using a supposed Christian program that had at least 3 books that were absolutely offensive.

Please warn me in advance!!!! We are completely fine with mature historical content, and fully understand the relevance of some situations, but cannot white out an entire book because of its blatant use of horrific language. I've tried researching many of the titles, and I don't believe this to be an issue with HOD, but would love to hear from other homeschooling moms for the extra protection.

We will be or just started using LHTH, Bigger, Beyond and Rev to Rev.

Thank you in advance for any reassurances.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:32 pm
by amysconfections
No!!! I can't believe a Christian company would use books like that. All the books we have read, up through Preparing, have all been great books with not a single word in them. Carrie very carefully chooses books.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:41 pm
by 4Hispraise
Oh, I am so sorry that you have experienced that. We have been with HOD from Preparing through Rev to Rev and have not encountered that as an issue - it is something we are very sensitive to. It was occasionally an issue with our former curriculum.

We LOVE the books that Carrie picks & are so BLESSED by the truly godly content of her guides.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:54 pm
by John'smom
We have used Beyond, Bigger, and are close to finishing Preparing and I don't remember a thing at all. I wouldn't put up with it. :evil:

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:31 pm
by allofakindfamily
Thank you SOOO much for the reassurance!!!!!

I feel so foolish in just trusting in the name of a company because they claim to be Christian. I don't want to bash the company name, but truly please always look through a book first. I'm so ashamed that I paid for handed them to my daughters and just assumed they were good. Heartache just doesn't explain the horrible feeling and shame I feel for allowing them to see and read such filth. I'm ever relieved to have them off my shelves and out of my home.

My children do not need to read written profanity on page after page to have a literature rich learning experience! ~Amen!!!!

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:35 pm
by raceNzanesmom
Carrie is good about putting any warning in the box with the assignment. For example, violence of someone being killed, or inappropriate language like calling someone stupid. Her warnings are the main reason I prefer to stick to her suggestions for storytime. I have plenty of good books on the shelves that would fit the genre, but I know her suggestions have been pre-screened for the age group. I really don't think you'll be disappointed with her suggestions.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:11 pm
by arstephia
I know exactly what you are asking. One of the reasons I chose HOD is because as I was researching curriculum for my oldest, I spent a spring/summer reading books from a company just as you described and was horrified. I thought surely I had picked up the wrong title/author, etc. I even had a lengthy discussion with a rep from this company and was unsatisfied with their answers. I knew I didn't have time to read every book my teen was going to read, nor did I feel I should have to have lengthy discussions with my teens on these topics, as the company suggests. (Some things come up naturally as being part of the world we live in, and what is in the news... those things we gladly discuss, but I don't need to introduce things via a book I hand them and hope I can catch the right opportunity to discuss it.) So, I came to HOD, and my teen has more great books then he can find time to read. Why waste time on poor books when there are such treasures! I appreciate any "warnings" Carrie puts in the guides, though nothing has made us not read the materials, but I do know at a glance and a specific page if something might need follow up, but they are usually historical based issues, which we've enjoyed talking through. Also, the books Carrie has chosen are very rich and some so emotionally engaging that the kids have even come to me and "admitted" that they couldn't put it down and finished the book even though they were only supposed to read 1 chapter. (I Am David is one that I just did that with... my family had to order pizza that night because I couldn't bear to be pulled away. LOL!) They then go back and reread when they have to, but sometimes they say they just HAD to know what happened to the characters, etc. The language you are describing has not been an issue, and I have used every guide thus far. I view HOD as a trusted friend I can trust and not second guess. There is great peace in that.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:07 pm
by mamas4bugs
Welcome to HOD! :)

I'm so sorry you've dealt with that. :( We had a similar issue with a "Christian" company, as well.

We have used all the guides from LHTH through RTR and have NEVER found an objectionable book. It's one of the things I love most about HOD. I have read some of my teen's books because I wanted to, but never have I wished that I had preread a book or felt like I needed to preread anything.

I hope you'll be as blessed by the book choices here as we have been. :)

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:47 pm
by melissamomof3girls
I haven't noticed any bad words either, other than I think in one of the Burgess books (from little hearts) last week it had the word "stupid". We try not to use that word, especially as a name-calling!!!!

You poor thing! I think you will love HOD! :)

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:10 pm
by twoxcell
We have used Little Hands up through Unit 26 of Preparing and I can't recall any foul language. I believe I can tell just from you post exactly what company you are referring to. :wink: We absolutely love HOD here and all of the book choices so far. My ds loves reading and learning about history.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:51 pm
by julsoliveira
Just out of curiosity, which book, and what kind of verbiage? I'm asking only because some families consider words to be "bad words", that other may not necessarily. For example, we are all aware of the famous four letter words, but then you have the politically incorrect words like the "N" word, and the "R" word, and others also consider cr*p and st*p*d to be swears as well. Was it flat out swear words, or just something that seemed offensive and inappropriate to read to your children? Just curious. For example, I would allow my kids to read Huckleberry Finn, even though it has the "N" word it, Because it is appropriate to the period. I would not let them read a Book where the character is saying something like, "F this S. I'm gonna Kill this Mofo".

In any case, We are on unit 17, and have not come across any unsavory language,of either type. We are really enjoying this guide, and all of the wonderful books that go with it. It is really truly outstanding. I will get to go through this guide two more times in the coming years, and I cannot wait!

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:13 pm
by allofakindfamily
Okay, not trying to stir up a hornets nest, by any means, but the words I refer to are not simple to overlook.

The words are outright cuss words -- like the f* word, b*st*rd, etc. I am really upset/saddened at the words my daughter came across.

Specific book titles...... One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Fallen Angels, and I believe the other book was Brave New World -- this last one being a bit more raunchy/sexual in content --I believe language issues, too....but quite honestly I can't be for sure. I just know that they crossed our threshold of acceptability in teaching the heart of our children.

I am VERY RELIEVED to read all the rave reviews of Heart of Dakota and anxiously await our box of books!!!!! I've prayed over this decision, checked out each book, and now love the voice of others ahead of us who confirm my hopes. I will continue praying that the "heart" of the curriculum remain to fill the hearts of children with rich literature without the need to white out page after page.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:14 pm
by julsoliveira
Thanks for being wiling to share :) Each family has different thresholds, so that's why I was curious. I agree though, outright vulgarity is crossing the line, even for education. Sorry you had to deal with that.

You won't ever feel that way with Heart of Dakota! This was our first choice the year we decided to homeschool, but I thought I could do better with my own curriculum. HAHAHAHAHA! I was so wrong. I am so happy I finally listened to my heart, and to what I know acknowledge as God's direction leading us here.

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:28 pm
by witheagerhands
My jaw just dropped! I have read both Fallen Angels and Brave NEw World (was in high school...way back when) and what I remember then was feeling very uncomfortable reading it -- I can't imagine how you feel as a parent! I know that you will feel good about Carrie's work here at HOD -- with 5 children and a homestead to care for, I can't read every single book! I depend on Carrie's wisdom and discernment, and she has always been grand -- and the ladies here are spectacular!!

Re: Please warn me....

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:56 pm
by RestInHim
Thanks for bringing up this great subject! I am a newbie, and we are very conservative, so I am encouraged as I read the reassurances here. :D I am looking forward to reading all these books as we go along!

(Not the objectionable ones :wink: )