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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:29 pm
by Carrie
I agree that we have also used Lakeshore toys for years with our boys. They are incredibly durable and each comes with its own box for storage. If you can purchase them at a local teacher store, you'll save a ton on shipping. Lakeshore charges a huge shipping and handling fee and tax too! If you can combine an order with another mom, you'll do better with shipping. :wink:

Beau is a gatherer, so he loves objects of any kind in a lidded container. The lidded container is for MY sanity. We cleared out a bottom cupboard in the kitchen for the toddler which contains his toys. He must put away one mess before getting out another one. :wink:

Beau has also enjoyed blocks in a plastic container with a lid, foam letters in a lidded tub, plastic bug counters in a lidded container, unifix cubes he can snap together and take apart, a markerboard with a variety of low odor dry erase markers, plastic easter eggs which can be put together sometimes with a cheerio or other object in them (we store them in a drawstring bag), a cheerio book to place cheerios on the insets in the pages, a variety of counters (such as rubber apples, fish, and ladybugs each in its own lidded container), and paper taped to the highchair tray with washable markers. In all honesty, Beau loved to get out the container, take off the lid and dump, count, arrange the objects. Then, he'll pick them up (with help from me) and get out a new set. This keeps him busy for quite awhile, and he goes to his cupboard all throughout the day. :D

During his crib time, he has loved a big set of Mega Blocks and an oversized magnetic rods and balls set. That just happens to be his personality though. He also has a plastic cash register with large coins and a singing Barney which he adores. A "Learn Through Music" sing along toy with touch screen and large "cassettes" you slide into the player has been a favorite of my last two boys. Different "cassettes" can be purchased to play in the player. Wooden blocks in a wooden tray is another favorite. He has a stuffed dolphin that he borrows from his oldest brother as his favorite stuffed toy. :D

I'm not sure if that helps at all.


Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:05 pm
by MomtoJGJE
Can I jump in and share my newly formed schedule? I scheduled our day because my 6yo works better that way, the other ones don't really care, and I stink at following schedules... she'll keep me on track (and off the computer)

We are doing Beyond, LHFHG, and LHTH

7:30 - breakfast
get dressed
7:55 - pledges
8:00 - Jayden Bible/music
8:15 - Grace Bible/music
8:25 - Julianna Bible/music
8:30 - Jayden history
8:45 - Grace history
8:55 - Julianna finger play
9:00 - snack/YMCA
10:00 - library/museum/park (let daddy nap)
12:00 - lunch
1:00 - Jayden reading
Grace phonics
Julianna letters
1:15 - Jayden poetry
Grace fine motor skills
1:30 - Grace rhymes
Jayden Language arts
1:45 - Jayden story time
Grace storytime
2:00 - Jayden math
Grace math
2:05 - Julianna art/math
2:15 - Jayden geography/science
2:30 - Grace science/art
2:45 - snack
free time
4:30 - family devotion / awana verses
5:00 - supper
free time
6:30 - clean up / chores
pick out clothes for next day
7:00 - snack
brush teeth

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:11 pm
by amysconfections
I'm so excited! I followed my newly made schedule and it's working so far (recess time right now). I'll post later. I used Julie's schedule from a previous year to set most of my schedule and it's just great! :D I was so nervous about how we would do two programs but it worked out great. Only science is left for today! :D

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:34 pm
by my3sons
Thanks, Amy! It's kind of nice to know my schedule would work for someone other than me :lol: - I feel a definite kinship with you! :D I pray you continue to make some great memories doing HOD this year, and that your days continue to flow smoothly overall. :)

In Christ,

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:53 pm
by amysconfections
Thanks so much Julie for sharing your schedule. I thought I could just upload the file, but it won't work and it's too time consuming to type out when it's Julie's exact schedule when using BHFHG and LHFHG and a little baby on basically the same 2 nap a day schedule. I couldn't believe how perfect it was. I just changed the time to reflect our times. :D Hope everyone else figures out a schedule that works for you.

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:08 am
by MommyInTraining
Carrie wrote:
I'm not sure if that helps at all.


It does :D ! Thank you! I love hearing what other little guys like. It helps me in trying to figure out what might work for us. I had asked Julie in PM about which Lakeshore items had worked well for them. As I was looking through the catalog I was having a hard time trying to determine what would be good for a 2 year old to play with independently. Would you mind sharing which of the Lakeshore items have worked well at your house for the little ones around 2 years old?

Thanks so much for sharing!!!



Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:38 am
by my3sons
Good morning, Terri - I don't know if you got my list I PM'd you, but in case you didn't (and in case anyone else is interested), here it is :D :

Hi Terri! Here are some of the Lakeshore things I've used with my little guy. I found it a lot easier to look at the catalog than the website when choosing. Every child is different in what makes him tick. It's been interesting to watch which ones Carrie's toddler Beau loves, compared to which ones my little Emmett loves. Have fun shopping with your little one in mind!

Feed the animals fine motor games
Feed the farm fine-motor games
Lakeshore counting cakes
Tub of cars and trucks
Match a bug Activity Center
Cookies on a plate counting game (or any of the Fun to Count Games set - some were too little
for my 2 yo who was prone to put things in his mouth yet, so we started with the
Cookies on a plate)
Easy Grip Jumbo pegs and pegboard
Shape sorter
Giant Chubby Pegboard Set
My First Pegboard Set
No-Fail Lacing Set (when closer to 3 yo)
Animal and Insect Tubs

In Christ,

There are many other Lakeshore boxes for 3 yo's on up too, but these are the things my 2 yo liked. :D

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:24 pm
by water2wine
Bumping this back up because I am using it. :lol:

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:35 pm
by moedertje
I am so excited that they have free shipping till the 23rd on a purchase of $99. Now I just have to get approval from dh to get some things :D
In planning for doing Bigger this coming January with ds who will be 7 and LHTH with ds 4 at half speed, I am excited to be able to hopefully get some of the Lakeshore Toys for the him and for dd of 2, that they can do on their own.
We also have an "Activity Bag Swap" planned with a couple of Mom's. We should be ready and set with little interruptions :lol:

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:57 pm
by my3sons
Tis the season for making school schedules, and I just finished the one for this coming year. :D It is for CTC, Beyond, and my little toddler as well. I'm sure I may have to tweak some things, but I'm happy with this to start with. It was a huge help for me to use this post of Carrie's in planning my CTC times:
It also helped that we did the first half of Beyond last year, so I'm fairly sure I've got those time increments right. :wink:

I've been practicing the non-school parts (chores, eating times, playtimes with different dc) of the schedule already, and that's been going well. :) I also started experimenting with my toddler to see what works well for him and when he needs me most. Sure enough, he likes me all to himself first shot out of the barrel! :lol: I fiddled with breakfast time, and wah-lah - he and I have some time carved out together without my other 2 waiting on me. He also needs me around mid-morning, so I put a time for us together there as well. That's been going well - he waits at the little desk for me already in the entryway - and even drags a chair over there for me! :D (Oh, this has been a wonderful thing I have to share - I converted the entryway to a playroom with just his toys on a shelf, put a tiny chair in there for him, a desk, used the top of the closet for a t.v./VCR/DVD player, child-proofed it, and bought a small gate for the doorway to the kitchen - he likes to be in his space but still see us :D - this has been awesome!) :D

No surprise the next child that seems to need me is my next ds, Riley (6 yo), so I put the bulk of our school time together right after my time with Emmett my toddler. I asked my oldest (Wyatt almost 10 yo) how he liked to start his day - no surprise there either - he liked starting off independently. So, that all fell into place rather nicely! I also asked my oldest if he'd rather have a long break to play in the middle (i.e. lunch/long recess), and then come back and finish school - or, have a later lunch and finish all of school by then. He chose the latter, so I put a snack time in mid-morning, so we wouldn't be starving.

Anyway, I share all of this in the hopes it may help someone else as they are putting together or tweaking their schedules. Here's the schedule (you can click on it to make it bigger):

In Christ,

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:00 pm
by kayben
Hi! How can I show an exel spreadsheet schedule here? Is it possible? I have a schedule set up for using CTC, Bigger and Little Hearts. I am alternating Independent work with Time spent with me. The little ones will use "workboxes" for ind. time. Such as Lauri games, ETC online, flashmaster, playdough, poster centers etc. I have basic times for snack/recess/lunch etc. but all is flexible and I am really just following the order of things rather than the times. I will be starting next week. And yes, this is different than my original plan. But I think this will work best for our family. So if you are interested and I can post it, I will!

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:22 pm
by my3sons
kayben wrote:Hi! How can I show an exel spreadsheet schedule here? Is it possible?
I think it's possible. This is what I had to do to share my document here:
1. Choose "Print"
2. Choose "Make a PDF" and save it
3. Open the PDF and save it as a JPEG
4. Go to (or any similar photo site) and download it the JPEG.
5. Choose the message board generated HTML code option.
6. Copy and paste the link in your HOD post.

I hope this makes sense! I think it should work with a spreadsheet, though if you have more than 1 page, you'll need to make separate PDF's for each page to be able to make the JPEGs. HTH! :) I'd love to see your schedule, and I think it would really help other moms would too!

In Christ,

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:47 am
by momof5woodstockga
Hey there. I love your schedule. Do you have a template that I can plug in to? I want to tweak yours with different names and add two more columns for 5 kids?
my3sons wrote:Hi gals! :D I have to confess that I don't like my "in a hurry" handwriting (which is the only kind of handwriting I typically do now :lol: ), so I have a tendency to type just about everything. :roll: I also need to have a detailed schedule because when I travel to book fairs with my dsis, my dmom teaches from my schedule. :D Hence, this long typed out schedule! I always take so much from reading your schedules too - sometimes my trying just the tiniest bit of someone else's schedule can make a HUGE difference in my overall day, so thanks for this thread, Car'! :)

In Christ,






Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:57 am
by my3sons
momof5woodstockga wrote:Hey there. I love your schedule. Do you have a template that I can plug in to? I want to tweak yours with different names and add two more columns for 5 kids?
Sure - I'd love to share it! Here's a link where I posted a blank PDF of one, but if you want me to email you the Word document, so you can change it, just give me your email address, and I'll be glad to do that.

In Christ,

Re: Let's share our schedules!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:35 am
by kayben
my3sons wrote:
kayben wrote:Hi! How can I show an exel spreadsheet schedule here? Is it possible?
I think it's possible. This is what I had to do to share my document here:
1. Choose "Print"
2. Choose "Make a PDF" and save it
3. Open the PDF and save it as a JPEG
4. Go to (or any similar photo site) and download it the JPEG.
5. Choose the message board generated HTML code option.
6. Copy and paste the link in your HOD post.

I hope this makes sense! I think it should work with a spreadsheet, though if you have more than 1 page, you'll need to make separate PDF's for each page to be able to make the JPEGs. HTH! :) I'd love to see your schedule, and I think it would really help other moms would too!

In Christ,
I'm not great at this stuff :oops: I can't find "make a PDF" as an option anywhere. When I choose print, I just get all of the normal choices... What am I missing. :?: