Supplementing for the olders?

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Supplementing for the olders?

Post by Love2Learn » Sat May 09, 2009 6:02 pm

I have a rising 7th grader as well as rising 5th, 1st, and PK. My question has to do with those children who are on the upper end of the age range who are using the extensions. For example, we are finishing up the last weeks of Preparing, my son is in 6th grade. He is reading through the extension books, and is sometimes expected to go further with our writing curriculum (we use IEW as a matter of preference) and of course grade appropriate math. His readers are typically chosen from Carrie's book list at or above reading level.

What, if any, are you doing to stretch your older children in Preparing or do you plan on doing next year in CTC? Or, instead, do you feel that the workload is appropriate for the olders as the guides are written?

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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Re: Supplementing for the olders?

Post by simplepamom » Sat May 09, 2009 8:16 pm

I cannot speak on the curriculum part of the question yet, since I am just thinking of starting and finding some things for next year. However, I believe we will try to start with both my dd's in Beyond, even though my older will be 10, and I think this might be a bit 'beaneath' her (there are alot of reasons we are thinking this is our choice in what to do)- I can give you a few ideas on things i am going to do to supplement her 'education' it isn't all sit down work, but that is because my thinking alot more education comes from real life than from books.

I am going to have my dd be in charge of doing certain things to teach my younger children. My youngers are 2 and 4, and 4 (plus her sister who will also be in beyond with her is 7 will be 8 in Jan) I believe that having to read the lesson plan, prepare for the day, and follow through- involves reading, comprehension, thinking and reasoning... It wouldn't be every day, or maybe not every subject....

4-H is a good supplement for us also. This year, we signed up for dog, cat, photography, gardening.... You get a 'workbook' for each- with detailed 'steps' to go through. THey offer way more than just animals. THere is public speaking, they learn about parlimentary procedure at meetings. There are opportunities for holding offices. I don't even remember all the 'subjects' but I think there were computer ones, photography and such-- you can contact your extension office to find out what 'subjects' they offer. THey are also encouraged to come up with projects of their own. (like my dd had wanted to plant squash to feed the hungry- so next year we are going to try to do a gardening proejct for anyone who signs up for the gardening book- and donate the produce food pantry)

My dd wants to participate in the youth program at the animal shelter. I feel this will be valuable experience, and something I can make her write a report about, or have her figure out the cost of things...

At his age, could he possibly be given a project of give him a month 'budget' and recipes and he has to plan to distribute those throughout the month in a nutritious way, plus how to shop, save money..... if he can't do a whole month- maybe a week?

I am also supplementing extra reading material for my dd. I will be requiring her to write letters. We are already starting to 'contact' either reps in various states or the chambers of commerce to have them send stuff for her to learn about the states. YOu can have him follow a political issue- write to politicians, be involved with a political group..... or get involved with your church missions- where are they, get into studying where those missionaries are, and how and what we can do....

Just some thoughts.....


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Re: Supplementing for the olders?

Post by juliekay » Sat May 09, 2009 8:23 pm

Hello Love2learn!

I will have a 5th and 6th grader finishing up Bigger with extensions and we plan to use Preparing next year with extensions. I do NOT think you need to add anything more than what is in the extension plus DITHR; however, we have personally decided to add a simple Latin & Greek study- 2 days a week for both per week. We have added Apologia Science - Astronomy - for one child only because he has begged for it. This all will be independent study - of course! Our local homeschooling library carries a lot of Answers in Genesis items so we may extend our dinosaur study with some of their books and DVD's. My older 2 also swim 4x a week, participate in Math and Science competitions every year and do weekly music study.... That's more than enough. Does that help at all?
ds 13 RTR plus
ds 12 RTR plus
ds 8 RTR
dd 5
ds 2
We loved using Bigger & Preparing

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