I am second guessing myself now!

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I am second guessing myself now!

Post by yayadaisy » Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:18 pm

I wrote a post not to long ago about taking our kids out of public school and home schooling again, but this time make it a true comment. They have been in public school since mid-October and I feel that God is wanting me to home school again. So I called the school and asked if my ds could get special ed. services still. He is going to a school out of our district. I didn't know if they would be require to give services. Wow! I got so chewed out! Bascially the principal was saying he needs some consistancy not in and out and if he was getting special ed services he should be in school all day anyways. He also said he will more than likely regress some and really should stay in school. I am struggling with this choice already and didn't need to hear that. I know it will be yet another change, but I intend to make it all the way through 6 th grade home schooling. I put them in school for reasons uncontrolled by me. I never intended for them to be in forever. I get the feeling most think I should coutine with public school for the rest of this year. In the mean time I am seeing a change in my two kids that I don't like. They are being exposed to things they shouldn't be and aren't ready to handle yet, not to mention that our home life has been crazy for a few months. Long story short my husband has a problem with anger had to go away for a few months to get help and now is back home. He still needs to do a lot of work, but is working on it. With all of that I feel the kids need more consistancy from a christian enviorment not a worldly one. I don't know now. I still feel I should home school , but don't like all this commotion this is causing.

Sheila mom to five great kids, one angel and one on the way!

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Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by wisdom4us » Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:42 pm

My heart really goes out to you, you are in a tough situation. But I would suggest you get yourself a trusted prayer warrior and you all plead your cause before our Lord.

You can't get God's will from ungodly counsel. Of course the principal and people from the public school setting and parents of children in public school are going to tell you to keep your children there. That's what *they* want you to do because that is where they are. You have to find out what God wants you to do and follow through with it and be consistent, no more in and out like the principal said - I do agree with him on that!

You also need to find out what YOU can handle. Are you in a place where homeschool is best for you too? God has a plan, you just need to get quiet and find out what that plan is for YOU and YOUR CHILDREN. I have an opinion on that but I don't want to add more confusion to the mix.

Get a plan and find trusted friends/family that can encourage you when times get tough. I will pray for you and plead your cause before our Lord!
Using LHFHG & BHFHG 2008-2009

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
~William Butler Yeats

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Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by MamaMary » Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:58 pm

Oh Sheila,

Please Note: I know that I am preaching to the choir and that you and I share the same goals. I am acting as your sister to just remind you of what you already own and know to be true. (((Big Hugs)))

I totally agree with the previous poster. Do not receive counsel from anyone who is not walking in a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I have a verse that the Lord gave me early on when I began homeschooling. I was having babies and my two oldest had been diagnosed with some learning differences. We were running back and forth to all Children's hospital for speech therapy and I was feeling inept in my role of home educator. I sought the Lord and He answered me....,

"Mary, Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21

I want my treasure to be always be their hearts and then their heads and not the other way around. The world would have you chase first after academics and base all decisions on this, but God's word tells me that nothing matters except a close and personal relationship with the Lord. If my child finds success in the world but doesn't know his Lord, he is destined for hell. What success is that? That doesn't mean that education and academics are not important to me. They are VERY important. But when I put God first He faithfully has always met their academic and special needs. There is no angst, no anxiety when I listen to the voice of the Lord. But when well meaning friends, teachers, strangers have offered council I am left shaken and unsure. Seek HIM Sheila!

"If you seek him, he will be found by you" 1 Chronicles 28:9b
Mary, Mama to 4 amazing sons and wife to one incredible husband! Come check us out on the blog: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/MamaMary/

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Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by inHistiming » Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:07 pm


It is difficult when you have people telling you all sorts of things, especially when those things do not agree with what your heart tells you. Ultimately, it is up to you whether you take your kids out of school..and only the principal's OPINION that they would be better off attending the school. You would provide much more personalized attentionthean the school and teachers can ever hope to do! You and your husband are the ones God has equipped to know your children and where they will fare best. Please try not to let the principal 'chewing you out' cause you to second-guess yourself. Listen to what God is telling you. My personal opinion is that if the principal really had your best interests and the best interests of your children in mind, he could have found a way to speak with you about it that would have conveyed that. There is so much political stuff involved with public schools these days, who knows what his real concerns are...although it's not my place to judge him, it does seem strange that he had that kind of reaction. Anyway...don't get discouraged. Seek some wise Christian counsel if needed, but mostly spend time with God in prayer and praise & reading your Bible, to help you figure out how to handle the situation. He will meet you where you are! :o

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Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by water2wine » Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:05 pm

I agree with what the other ladies are saying. I just wanted to let you know that the best day for my special needs child was the day I pulled her out of ps. And yes the principal chewed me out too. She had the nerve to tell me that I was not qualified to teach my child and it would be wrong to pull her out. :shock: As you can imagine I had a few things to say about that. :roll: Bottom line, ps never taught her to read and she was 9, it was 1 month later and I had her reading beyond hat, cat, sat. You must listen to what God tells you. He really knows best. The principal loses money every time they lose a child to hsing. Plus they have to believe what they do is best. It is their job. But you know who told me to pull my kid out and hs on the side, her special ed teacher! :wink: They just can't give 8 kids with all different special needs the same attention we can one on one. Not to mention how lost they get in the class room when they are integrated.

God is not skeptical. If you had the conviction to pull them out I completely agree with not letting someone who could not possibly have the same goals as you tell you how to raise your child. God put you there in charge because you know best for your child. He knows what He is doing and you can hs your child and you will do great if that is your hearts desire. :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
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Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by yayadaisy » Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:02 pm

Thank you all again for everything. I have prayed and even talked to my children and they both want to come back home also. They say they will miss their friends but like being home. So we are going to do a pratice run during christmas break and see if they still are happy with it and then after the quater is done we will bring them home. I just feel so strongly about this and my husband too! I am pregnant and I think I am letting my hormones get the better of me. I know I shouldn't let what the principal said upset me!! I blame the pregnancy LOL!

Sheila mom to five great kids, one angel and one on the way.

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Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by inHistiming » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:08 pm

Just wanted to say that it's normal for things like that to upset you...we're all human and (if you're like me) take it personally when someone is seemingly attacking us and our decisions. I just wanted to encourage you not to let the principal's words be the reigning words in your decision-making...but to make sure to go back to God with it. :)

I'm glad you're feeling better and more confident about your decision to bring them back home. And I can totally relate to the 'pregnancy hormones' reeking havoc in the home! It does get better. :wink:

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Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by wisdom4us » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:38 am

I'm so glad you are at peace with your decision! We ALL get side tracked in our thinking when we hear other people's opinions, I'm thankful we all have each other during those times to encourage us to follow our hearts and not our ears. :lol:

Congratulations also on your pregnancy! What a true gift that is for you and your family.
Using LHFHG & BHFHG 2008-2009

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
~William Butler Yeats


Re: I am second guessing myself now!

Post by netpea » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:50 am

Take heart. You obviously want whats best for your children. So naturally you listen to other's to see if what they say has merit. But only you and your husband can make these choices! As long as you are prayerfully making these choices, you have nothing to fear.

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