Two questions about Beyond...

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Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Lynnw » Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:50 am

We are in week 6 of Beyond (and loving it!). I have two questions...

1) A few weeks ago we read the story about Love Bradford coming to Holland and living with a Dutch family, having patience waiting for her tulip to bloom, and finding her father William Bradford after the other English pilgrims had already left for America. I'm confused for a couple reasons.... I thought William Bradford was in Holland ahead of some of the other British (had a home ready for the Brewsters - and shared it with them as he was not married yet?). I thought Love was the name of one of the Brewster children. I thought William Bradford was on the Mayflower - not off in Holland finding his daughter. And I was thinking that William Bradford's wife fell off the Mayflower and drowned while it was anchored off the coast of Plymouth, Mass. (but I don't remember if they had any children? or if he remarried?)

2) Today we did the science activity where we wrapped ice in both wool and cotton to see where it melted most/least. We couldn't tell any difference in our ice cubes. I hate to be so ignorant (science is really not my area, LOL!) but what should we have seen and why? Should the cotton have been cooler and therefore had less melting? Or should the wool have provided good insulation and therefore kept the cube cooler and therefore experienced less melting? My kitchen counters are tile and stay very cold if it matters.

Thanks for any help!
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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Kathleen » Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:49 pm


I haven't done Beyond, but I'll bump this up so that others who DO know can help you out!

:D Kathleen
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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Jen in Va » Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:29 am

About the ice and wool and cotton. I have a son who is an avid fan of the show Mythbusters (He's almost 20--I'm not advocating the show for little guys as the people in the show can often use language inappropriate for little ones. We have learned some cool stuff from the show, though.) One of the programs we watched recently--may have been a rerun--was trying to bust the myth that dressing a snowman in winter clothing (ie: wool coat) would make the snowman melt faster than one without the coat. They were actually able to bust the myth. The winter coat served as insulation, kept the cold from escaping so that the snowman with the coat on was considerably more intact than the snowman without. I assume, since we haven't gotten there, that Carrie is doing the same thing with the wool and cotton--which one would be the better insulator? When we get to that experiment I will likely use an insulated styrofoam cup to make a block of ice (two, actually, the same size) because our ice maker makes horribly fragile ice cubes, and then take the experiment from there--after removing the ice from the cup. You could have let the experiment run longer to see which would be less melted. The cotton is not a good insulator, so that cube should have melted more--which is why we wear cotton clothes in the summer. Wool is a good insulator and should have protected the ice cube so that it held up longer than the one in cotton.

About Bradford: good information here He married Dorothy in 1613, after he had gone to Amsterdam in 1609. She dies in 1620, however William does not record the death in his journal.

About Brewster: here As I've scanned through the Stories of the Pilgrims, I can't find the story about the tulip (is it in Stories of the Pilgrims?), but I would imagine that it is about Patience or Fear, as they are the Brewster daughters who were left behind in Holland when the Brewsters--William, Mary, Love (son), Wrestling (son)--went on the Mayflower to America. The post on the above page lists Love twice--as coming with his parents on the Mayflower and also emigrating later. I believe there is a typo--listing Love as coming later, but with no further mention of Patience. A search at Wikipedia shows that she arrived in 1623, along with her sister, Fear.


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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Carrie » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:52 pm


Thanks so much for answering this thread! :D As I am working hard on the new book in every spare moment, we are answering questions as time allows! :D

You ladies are so wonderful about helping one another out. It is MUCH appreciated. :D


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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Lynnw » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:55 pm

Thanks for your help! You are a wealth of information. The wool/cotton explanation helped. We may try it again and let them sit longer. I loved reading the links you provided for Bradford and Brewster - they were great!

The story we read about Love Bradford was from Boys and Girls of Colonial Days. So, I'm wondering if it's just a nice story and not factual?

Thanks again!
Last edited by Lynnw on Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Married 19 years to Dh, Detective and Army Reservist: 1 tour in Iraq, 1 tour in Afghanistan
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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Carrie » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:20 pm


The story in Boys and Girls of Colonial Days is about Goodman Bradford and his daughter Love. There is more than one Bradford, and I believe you have him confused with William Bradford, who did not have a daughter named Love. :D


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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Lynnw » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:23 pm

Carrie wrote:Lynn,

The story in Boys and Girls of Colonial Days is about Goodman Bradford and his daughter Love. There is more than one Bradford, and I believe you have him confused with William Bradford, who did not have a daughter named Love. :D

Thanks for clarifying for me. I think when I read "Goodman Bradford" I interpreted it as William Bradford just as the pilgrims called someone "Goodwife Smith" instead of Mrs. Smith.

Thanks for clarifying for me!
Married 19 years to Dh, Detective and Army Reservist: 1 tour in Iraq, 1 tour in Afghanistan
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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Carrie » Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:58 pm


When I was researching and writing the Beyond guide, I remember wondering that same thing. William Bradford had 3 children by his second marriage (William, Mercy, and Joseph) and one son listed from his first marriage (John). He also had two stepsons, Constant and Thomas. There is no mention of a daughter named Love. There are other Bradfords mentioned in history who participated in the church meetings in Scrooby, England with the original group of Separatists who later moved to Holland. So, I'm assuming one of them is the mentioned Goodman Bradford in the story from Boys and Girls of Colonial Days. It could be that Goodman Bradford is a title of address (like Goodwife), however from the historical records available about William Bradford it is certain that the man mentioned in the story as Goodman Bradford does not refer to William Bradford. :wink:

Happy reading!


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Re: Two questions about Beyond...

Post by Lynnw » Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:54 am

Thank you so much! I appreciate you (and Jen) going to so much trouble to straighten me out. We are really enjoying Beyond!

Married 19 years to Dh, Detective and Army Reservist: 1 tour in Iraq, 1 tour in Afghanistan
ds 12.5 (7th grade) RevtoRev
ds 9.5 (4th grade) Preparing

dd 8 (3rd grade) Beyond
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