Controversial Subjects

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Controversial Subjects

Post by shera » Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:13 am

I am wondering when topics that might seem controversial are taught in HOD? My dh wants my ds exposed to different theories of evolution and the such but taught as theories NOT fact. We consider ourselves neither old earth nor young earth. I realize HOD is young earth in its presentation but at some point will the opposing theory be introduced at all? What about different faiths and believes? Please no flames or anything we just want our kiddos to have a well rounded education and I am wondering how these topics are approached in the future.

ds 11/01

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Post by Carrie » Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:40 pm


Once you get to "Preparing Hearts..." as kiddos read about world history, they will learn how various religions began and how different religions viewed events going on in the world. This is one reason we didn't want a sanitized version of history, but rather Hillyer's version with a real look at good and bad behaviors! This is balanced out with Grandpa's Box to bring the Bible into the study of history too! :wink:

As far as the young earth/old earth perspective, we have a couple of books that address the age of the earth through the study of dinosaurs, fossils, or in looking at Noah's ark and the worldwide flood in "Preparing...". However, the rest of the books do not take a position on the age of the earth (but we do watch for the "millions of years ago" type content when choosing books.)

As we study scientists in the later time periods of history (with the guides that follow "Preparing...") that will likely be the time that the various scientific theories will come up and be addressed. Children need to be older to be able to logically compare the various theories and understand the science behind them. This will most likely be in grades 6-7-8. As we write our guides, we will always be looking to balance out the immense evolutionary content available already by choosing books written by a Christian author whenever possible. :D

I hope that helps answer your questions some! As always, if you wanted to substitute in your own science if you didn't agree with our perspective you could do that! We try very hard to direct you to the Bible for answers rather than to a certain person's perspective. :wink:

Last edited by Carrie on Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by shera » Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:43 pm

Thank you for replying. This is very helpful to know that these things are not going to be ignored but addressed at some time. I am currently only in LHFHG with a little bit of BLHFHG but I felt the need to at least gain this information so I can answer my dh concerns. Otherwise I may end up switching to something like Sonlight.

ds 11/01

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Post by water2wine » Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:55 pm

I wanted to wait for Carrie to reply before I did :D but just wanted to add something that I have observed and can see is true. HOD to me has a Christian World view focus. You can really see this in some of the things that Carrie suggested as possible high school resources as to where she is leading us. You can't have a true Christian world view if you ignore the reality of what others believe and the truth of what is out there in the world past present or future. The head in the sand thing is not true wisdom and I do not think is going to keep kids belonging to God. They ultimately have to know what the world is like but it needs to be in light of the Word. So what I see HOD doing is presenting the strong foundation and working at the heart of discernment and wisdom first before all the truth of what others believe and practice is added to that equation.

So I guess in a way I have this as a concern for me as well, seeing other view points and cultures. I want my kids to know it but I also want for them to have the discernment to come out with an accurate view. I am finding that I really am very comfortable about how HOD is setting them up to see good character and bad character as well as following God vs going against God in light of what the Word says as the foundation. I feel like we will be ready after Bigger to study some harder issues and with the cycle of History the next two years will bring more. It's just what history was then. My husband and I are really thrilled with how we see HOD is preparing them for that. Come high school we know we can really delve in without concern. 8)
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
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Post by Tiffini » Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:44 pm

The head in the sand thing is not true wisdom and I do not think is going to keep kids belonging to God. They ultimately have to know what the world is like but it needs to be in light of the Word. So what I see HOD doing is presenting the strong foundation and working at the heart of discernment and wisdom first before all the truth of what others believe and practice is added to that equation.

Great stuff! I appreciate your post, Sarah. One of my greatest concerns is that my kids' faith can stand up to what they will face in the world. I do not want them to only know our beliefs and then feel like they are knocked over when they face the "real world". But it makes so much sense to ground them in the truth first while their critical thinking skills are still developing than to fill their minds with all kinds of false religions while they lack the ability to sort it all out. That said, we do talk to our kids and share with them other beliefs in a limited way and we do pray for people of other religions and other places in the world on a regular basis. But, as far as in depth, we want to wait until their thinking and reasoning and logic skills are developed enough that we can talk through it with them. That is definitely a part of our long-term plan with the kids and it is of the utmost importance to us. We do not want them to be a statistic of all the Christian kids who leave their faith as soon as they are out from under their parents' influence. From what I see, HOD has the same idea and I am so thrilled with their plan!
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