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Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:40 pm
by my3sons
Ok Girls,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:47 pm
by my3sons
Riley has been waiting impatiently for us to do an activity with the Statue of Liberty since Day 1 of his Rhyme, and here it is! :D There is a flashlight that is on inside the "flames" to show the eternal flame.
The activities in the HOD guides for math really help our dc understand the concepts in Singapore in a concrete way. Here he traced the coins, wrote their values on them, colored them the appropriate colors, and then did the same type of skill in his math book. Plus, he loved it!
Wyatt made a map of the the tribes of Israel, labeling them, and coloring them to show from whom each came from according to a key. Then, he got to cut them apart, following border lines, and reassemble them in the correct order. In his words, "Oh Mom, this is sooooo fun! I get to cut this apart like a puzzle and then put it back together!" :D

I hope you all had a terrific week!
In Christ,
Julie :D

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:37 pm
by funkmomma71
We had last week off, due to my having to serve jury duty all week, so I thought that we might run inot some hiccups this week but it went very smoothly.

We had lots of fun in Unit 12 of LHFHG. The math had us in the kitchen all week measuring and Dina loved all the hands on math. She really had a grasp of units of measure and estimating. Today, we measured 1/2 cup cornmeal by teaspoons and tablespoons, as suggested in the guide, while graphing the results with blocks. I soon realized that we did not have enough blocks to graph all the teaspoons so we switched to a 1/4 cup which was much more manageable.

Also, for the art earlier in the week we did not have liquid food coloring, just gel, so we used colored sugar sprinkles and the results was quite interesting. I love the fact that it is easy to subsitute with whatever you have on hand.

There seemed to be a lot of hands on activities this week, which Dina LOVES, so that probably helped make the week go a little more smoothly.

Tomorrow, a couple of my good friends are coming over and we will be doing activities and a lesson on the Old Testement harvest festivals, which included building "shelters", which they'll do in my backyard ,so the kids should have fun and we get to do something other than Halloween. :D

Dina this week told me several times how happy she was doing homeschool and how much fun it is. That is always good to hear.

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:51 pm
by gracelikerain
Julie! I loved your ds's map! I couldn't wrap my head around it & my girls weren't to thrilled either... :lol:

My girls loved The Trojan Horse book. They begged me to let them read it all in one sitting! I finally caved in & said yes!
We also loved learning about the Greek Gods & I really love the flow between the books Grandpa's Box & A Child's History of the World! Thanks, Carrie!

Here are some pics from our unit 9 in PHFHG.
we had fun with our experiment!
Why the desert floods after it rains....
our desert....on a oatmeal lid with playdough & sand...we downsized....
raining! I forgot to take a flood pic.... :oops:
no tracing here! 8 dd is so proud of herself! So am I.... :D
8dd's sheep
11dd's Trojan Horse....I drew it she colored it. She has more trouble with drawing sometimes & didn't feel like tracing it.
So, I helped her. :wink:
meaning of our names....I forgot to have them do their middle names & I laminated them already.... :oops:
4ds loved doing this! he made 2 cause he wrote his middle name first & I wanted it just right! :roll:
this is the backwards one... :lol: I am so proud of him! His writing improved so much this last month!
LHTH ds4 had a blast reviewing his letters!
puffy & sparkle the stuff!
all dry!

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:11 am
by SoaringEagle
I just completed our week in review. Here's the link: ... 27-31.html

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:00 pm
by my3sons
Here's Carrie's children I snapped some pics of - I somehow missed Greyson, but here are the others!
Shaw made his cartouche of Hatshepsut. He used the extra "dough" to make a cross, a jet, a heart, a fish, a star, a Christmas tree, and a bell. He painted them, and they were so cute! He gave them as gifts to our family, giving us each one thing with our initials carved in them.

I just had to snap a pic of Cole too, doing an experiment with newtons, work, and force (which he did just for fun, mind you!).

Here's Beau utilizing one of my favorite organizational ideas of Carrie's that I now use too - cleaning out one "down low" kitchen cupboard for the little one to get into. It has educational things in it, like puzzles, lacing cards, stackable cups, etc.

In Christ,
Julie :D

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:22 am
by MamaMary
I have been eagerly anticipating Saturday morning as I had it slotted to sit at my computer with my cup of coffee and catch up on everyone's Week In Review! I love that you allow me to peek into your life for a brief moment each week. (((Thank YOU))) To see you doing projects we are doing, perfections and IMperfections, it spurs me on and fills my cup to keep going! Thank you!

This week was wonderful. We took off all school except math. I was feeling dry spiritually and behind on practical tasks within my home. I spent long periods in the Word, sitting at the feet of my beautiful savior. He is so faithful! I had been trying to give away from a dry well and that never bodes well for my friends or my family. I am amazed at how different I act and feel when I am full and when I am empty of the Lord. Truly, apart from Him I can do nothing!

One of the neat God moments He allowed this past week was a perfect real life example to go with our science experiment from last week in Beyond. If you remember we had been talking about building cabins and how important a support beam is to the stabilization of the main frame. Well, we went for a long walk at a nature park near our house and when we got to the two story deck on the lake here is what we found....,

How AMAZING is our Lord?! He just blows me away! The boys were able to see support beams are not just something the pilgrims did, but they still play a role in real life building TODAY :D

Here is a picture from last weeks share of our project from "Beyond Little Hearts":

See their little support beam? :wink:

I LOVED everyone's week In review pictures. Julie, thank you for posting pics of Carrie's kids. It's fun seeing you two work together as sisters. What a wonderful blessing this season must be to your relationship. Soaring Eagle I enjoyed your blog and Georgette, I am constantly blown away by your children's amazing gift in the area of ART! The pictures of your trojan horses looked like a professional had been involved :wink: Funkmama, I love how your daughter keeps telling you how much she is loving school. I feel the same way, as do my boys!

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:31 am
by my3sons
MamaMary - Thank you for sharing the personal side of your faith here. My strength spiritually has been dry off and on too - and for me it is often related to when I am physically drained as well. Taking time to reconnect with our Lord and Savior, like you did, is the best way to replenish, and I needed reminding of that. Sometimes I get so into just "doing the next thing" or "getting through the next day", when life is meant to be lived to the fullest measure in Him. Jesus is our support beam - what a lesson to teach your dc, both by what you saw on your nature walk, and by how you are "walking the walk" with your Christian faith. Your dc are blessed to see Whom you turn to for refueling. Thanks you for your insight here, and I think I'll spend some time today just reconnecting with Jesus.

In Christ,

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:34 am
by my3sons
SoaringEagle wrote:I just completed our week in review. Here's the link: ... 27-31.html

Julie - I remember that science experiment with cotton balls, and my ds's loved it! In fact, I walked around all day with a delicious smell of vanilla on the tip of my nose after smelling the cotton ball a little too closely! :lol: At least it was vanilla, right? :D I'm so glad to read your ds won't need that procedure - God is good! Faithful in answering our prayers. Have a great weekend, and thanks for sharing!
In Christ,

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:40 am
by my3sons
Funkmama - Dina sounds like she's having a great time with LHFHG! I'm so thankful for the way the hands-on things are planned in LHFHG too. I've made substitutions like you did many times, and still been able to have good results. You are a third of the way into LHFHG now already! Way to go! I hope your shelter building goes well, and have a great weekend!

Georgette - I agree with MamaMary - your dc have a definite knack for art! And I have a sneaking suspicion they've inherited that talent from their Mom! :D That trojan horse looks great, and so do their name mats. The sheep turned out so cute too. Thanks for sharing !

In Christ,
Julie :D

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:28 pm
by Rebecca
I love the community that HOD offers through this message board! :D

We had a great week of school. We began unit five in Bigger... and I think it is all falling into place... so I think Julie's is right about that fifth week... it is NOT our fifth week... but it is unit five.... I also tweaked my schedule based on Carrie's Bigger schedule- and I suddenly was able to complete Bigger in a day instead of two... yay!

I have changed some things around and have to update my signature. My children are all in different units in the three guides I am teaching too- so keep that in mind!

LHFHG- my little ones loved their science exploration: making grass, oats, and we glued cornflakes on the last column. They also really enjoyed making their tapestries- all five of my children made them! :shock:
The Bible Stories are really being knit within my children's minds too- which I am loving. My daughter did the cutest little half turn jump with their rhyme this week, too. We are doing the rhyme about Gideon, Samson, and Samuel.
My five year old is waiting with anticipation to see if Reddy Fox is going to be able to finally trick Peter Rabbit. WHAT is going to happen? he is wondering...

Beyond- we did a treasure hunt to introduce our adventure book: King of the Wind. My boys love horses- and we have read many, many of the Henry books- and we have had King of the Wind on our shelf for a couple of years but never managed to read it! :roll: So everyone is thrilled that we are finally reading it- and I AM THRILLED that I have a biblical grid with HOD to use with my sons - we discussed the Fear of the Lord this week. The treasure hunt was a huge hit- and I had special time making cookies with my tender- hearted second born for the treasure. I feel that HOD is restoring our hearts to one another which is so important to me- and so easy to get so busy with so many children and run right over them! Nathanael is really enjoying Stories of the Pilgrims as well.

Bigger- We started Seabiscuit... O- the excitement!! My oldest has been waiting for this book since April when I bought it!!! He loved rolling dice to "unlock" the adventure and his two brothers joined in on the fun. We are at the end of our Seashore book and it has been a great learning experience. I love the One Small Square books- as do my boys! We also really enjoyed creating the POCOHONTAS notebooking page. And it was this week that my oldest made his famous statement- of wanting to use HOD for all of his years home schooled!!! I love that the Bible is used EVERY day and is as one of our school books!!

We LOVE Heart of Dakota!

Bless you Carrie- in all you do!

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:33 pm
by MamaMary

What a GREAT week!!! You are doing a GREAT job with your core programs. I love how you are working it out and sharing with us :D

Julie, I just love my fellow Betty Sister in Christ! I hope you had a day Saturated in Jesus and that your cup is overflowing tonight my friend :D

Ok, off to snuggle with my honey :wink:

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:08 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
We took a break this week as DH was out of town for work so Samuel and I went to stay with my parents. We'll be starting back next week. I have loved reading all your stories and seeing your pictures!

Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:44 pm
by j_croche
I really enjoy reading about everyone's week. This is very encouraging for newbie like me :mrgreen: We have so many fun projects to look forward to. 8)
We had a lite week this week b/c of a few Dr. appointments. We managed to finish Day 1 of unit 2 in Preparing and 2 days in LHFHG :oops: I'll post those pics next week when we actually complete unit 2. :D


Re: Week In Review 10-30-08

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:11 am
by gracelikerain
[quote="my3sons"]MamaMary - Thank you for sharing the personal side of your faith here. My strength spiritually has been dry off and on too - and for me it is often related to when I am physically drained as well. Taking time to reconnect with our Lord and Savior, like you did, is the best way to replenish, and I needed reminding of that. Sometimes I get so into just "doing the next thing" or "getting through the next day", when life is meant to be lived to the fullest measure in Him.

I can sooo relate!
I was peeling some carrots for our dinner & I was thinking about your posts. Music REALLY moves me & The Lord reminded me when I feel driest I have been learning to worship with my kids. My kids & I pick a song each & we sing & dance our hearts out. We did this for 2 weeks straight & it really helped us all. Right after breakfast it is worship time. Now we don't do it everyday anymore but when I am led. It teaches them to open their hearts before the Lord. Then this weekend in church I sit in the front row whenever I can & I keep my dc with me. Well, I was moved to my knees & my 4ds asked me what I was doing. So I told him I was worshipping at home. He smiled & asked if that makes Jesus happy. I told him YES!! Then I felt him kneel down next to me in church & lift his hands! I was so blessed. He is very shy so it was special ya know?? I share this because sometimes filling up can be a family thing too. :D

Mary, I love the cute face your ds was making in that pic by the support beam....priceless!

Thank you everyone for the compliments on my dc's art work. :) I feel the least creative & artisically challenged! I know my 11dd feels the same way. So, doing these HOD drawings have really helped us in many ways. We also like the Draw Write Now series.

Bless you all!!