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Re: Weekly review, 9-11-08

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:15 pm
by spidermansmum
I have been gradually building up to including everything in the curriculum of LHFHG.I have little one somewhat put off anything school like from his short time in school so the week we get it all done will be a big acheivement for us.
By a miracle[not by planning we went for our daily walk someplace new and we found a corn field .It was a miracle because it was our day to study Ruth.We brough home a few stray ears of corn.DS has really taken off with the bible heroes themes and we have had him dressing his doll up to be Joshua, Samson,Gideon .We have had to build lego lions for smason to wrestle and walls for Joshua to blow down.Great fun.
We need to work on sorting out our rhythm and Im working on finding a song or signal to start the learning.

Re: Weekly review, 9-11-08

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:43 am
by MamaMary
sniz-teach wrote:We started August 13th into our sixth year of homeschooling and this is the first year I've actually liked it. If you wonder why I did it the previous five years when I didn't like it at all, it's because my husband and I both felt called by the Lord to do it, so I did it out of obedience. Believe me, there were times I BEGGED God to let me stop, but I always knew in my heart that I should continue; that despite myself, God was blessing my children and my work.
What an incredible testimony! Praise the Lord for HIS faithfulness!

Jodi, I LOVED your blog!