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Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:08 am
by mom2fiveboysnc
We have thoroughly enjoyed our 1st week :D Ethan loves Bigger... and keeps trying to do his work all day long so he can "get ahead" for tomorrow :D He enjoys the history and the art/science stuff we have done so far. I am not too techy savvy so I don't know if I can post pictures or not but I will try later :D Yesterday we looked online at pictures of Columbus and his voyages, ships, everything we could find out about him and he made a little book of them :D He also has been doing the same art pictures as Brendan in LHFHG and he loves it :D Brendan loves his rhymes and just cackles and laughs everytime we do his "continents" rhyme. We did take pictures of that also :D Both boys like the music and Bible verses, Ethan has just about memorized his. He also loves the poetry and before we started school and were looking over his Bigger manual he said he hated poetry. Now he wants to copy it everyday :D I am so pleased with HOD because I was so scared I was not qualified to teach them and pulling them out of ps was the worst thing I could do for them :oops: What was I thinking? The only thing my boys have complained about mostly is missing their friends but we have Scouts and church and we are joining the coop playgroup today if it doesn't rain again. Oh, and Brendan (6 yrs old) is scared he will never have a girlfriend again :D :D Each day just gets better and better :D

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:38 am
by Carrie
I'm so glad that you had a great week! It sounds like you are doing a great job with your teaching. Way to go mom! :D

We pray that you'll find homeschooling is the best decision you've ever made! The Lord will take care of equipping you for the journey when you rest in Him!

Thanks so much for sharing the things your boys are enjoying! These are precious memories you're making! :wink:


Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:09 pm
by my3sons
What a great week you had! We are just finishing our first week of doing Preparing Hearts... and LHFHG, and things went so well! Here are a few pics of our favorites...

From LHFHG, here is Riley with his George Washington hat he made. He loved reading about George Washington, and had a great time decorating his hat.

From Preparing..., here is Wyatt pointing to the start of his timeline. He's so excited to hang it on the door and watch it expand!

Here is Wyatt with the coat of arms shield he made. He researched this on the Internet, too, I'm so glad we're getting that skill in now! Also, we are both really enjoying Grandpa's Box. What an amazing retelling of the beginning of history - my son cannot get enough of it, and I can tell it is making history come to life!

We had a terrific first week of school! :D :D :D

In Christ,
Julie :)

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:15 pm
by Rebecca
Here is my very first week in review post!
I really appreciate all the support and encouragement of this board... I truly don't have much IRL... :D

It was our first week and it was an adjusting week... but we made it through and tomorrow we clean the house! 8)

I managed to complete LHFHG unit one and three days of Bigger...

I think next week I will try not to be so gung ho and do one side of Bigger plans a day until we are in our groove...
We didn't have any trouble getting Kindergarten completed each day... it was fitting everything else in! :shock:

My K child worked so hard! I am so proud of him...
We are doing storytime at lunch and all are enjoying it!
He also enjoyed decorating the scripture memory verse to send to his Grammy.
Everyone loves Rhymes in Motion!

There are many crinkles and wrinkles to iron out... but I was advised (by my dear and wonderful sister who encouraged me with HOD) to give it at least three weeks!

My baby has been waking me three times a night to nurse. I am SO exhausted.- wish there was a yawn icon! :D

My oldest is thrilled with Cheerful Cursive...

One of my favorite times of the day was :AUDIO BOOK TIME!!! This I got from the boards and I can't believe I didn't start this sooner... 30 minutes of total peace and quiet... it is wonderful! :D Thank You!

If you feel led- PRAY FOR ME! :)
Lord willing, next week- I will have more things to share...

Our first week of the new school year

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:50 pm
by wdworkman
We finished our first week of Preparing. Since I know we'll only have 3 school days next week, I had planned to start Unit 2 on Friday. That didn't happen! Thursday is always going to be our busy day: Driver's Ed, Piano & Guitar lessons, Martial Arts. There may be some Thursdays when we get everything else in, but as a rule I'm just going to have to admit my limitations & be thankful for Preparing's 4 day week. This week we finished English, Math & Science on Friday.

I am so grateful for the Poetry selections in Preparing! A Child's Garden of Verses was one of my favorites that my mother read over & over again. Reading the poems with Luke this week took my mind back to those wonderful times. (I still see my mother almost daily, but Alzheimer's has taken her memories.) Reading out loud was never his favorite, but after 4 days of practicing, he was eager to read it to his father.

Grandpa's Box & the Noah's Ark book are great. It really isn't like reading the same Children's Bible stories for the 1000th time!

You can see the rest of our details & photos here:

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:03 pm
by inHistiming
Oh! Reading all this 'stuff' and seeing pictures about making me want to get started with it!

However, we are so enjoying Bigger...We began last Monday(the 18th), and just completed Unit 1 on Wednesday(the 27th) due to Dr's appts. last week, a class the kids had, and then Daddy was home last Friday. The kids love the Science experiment days...that's something they've really longed for, and 2 a week is really making them happy. And Daddy and Mommy are happy that they are learning the Scientific Method! My ds (5) joins in on the experiments too...he just can't resist. He was even able to tell Daddy why the balloon did not sink. :) We are also enjoying learning all about Columbus and his journey to 'India" as well as Pedro's Journal(extension pack)..which is written from the perspective of a 'ship's boy'. Our Storytime selection is Phillis Wheatley, and we are also having fun with that. It's fun to 'watch' her learn to speak and 'see' all the things she gets into through our reading! :lol: My kids also like the R&S English lessons as well as the Singapore math assignments, so I'm glad we made the switch. I really think both will prove to be a good move. Right now some of the English is review for both of them, but that just means we can skip some and move on ahead as needed. :) We are all finding joy every day in singing the hymn Holy, Holy, Holy! The kids often sing it throughout the much so that I end up having to ask them to stop singing and get their ___________ done! And we are all learning so much from the Bible Study portion. I am so pleased that we are studying character traits. First persistence, and Unit 2 is humility. We spend a little extra time looking up some words in the know how some definitions require that you look up another word because there is a word in the definition that the kids don't know? :roll: :lol: That's just what we do...I often tell them definitions, but I also don't want them to rely on me as the only source, so we look in the dictionary at other times. Also, this is helping my daughter to learn how the dictionary works, as she has never used it before. We also are glad to have wonderful scriptures to memorize! And poetry...we have spent a bit of time previously reading poetry, or using it for copywork. However, we have never had a real 'study' of poetry, so we're enjoying that. And, as a bonus, my kids had the poem memorized by day 5!

So, this was our week! I only got a couple of days of LHTH done with my younger son...but I know we'll get that in as a more regular part soon. He was excited to finally begin learning the fingerplay for 'B' though, and he absolutely loves the Bible readings. :D I'll be back next week to tell you more...can't wait to read more of what you all have been up to!

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:35 am
by spidermansmum
We have been doing week 5 of LHFHG.We had a great week
This week we were doing Moses
heres a pic of moses-as interpreted by my ds
We had great fun making the golden calf,quails and clouds.
Ds did a lovely pic of a cloud leading the isrealites in his free time too.We also watched The prince Of Egypt on video

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:16 pm
by Kathleen
I loved reading about your weeks ladies!! :D :D Thanks for sharing!

I got on a gung ho cleaning/orgainzing/purging kick...and every inch of our house has been "touched"! (It was started when my husband said we could empty the basement last Saturday...which I've been waiting about 9 months to tackle. :roll: But, it was really good that we waited until our hot water was done filling our basement with water - last month - to get that job done or we would have done it twice.)

We're ready to dive in this week again in a more organized fashion. :wink:

:D Kathleen

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:42 pm
by Scottypenguin
Here's the link to my blog. It has the outcome of our first week with LHTH. :D

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:59 pm
by MamaBear23Cubs
My DD8 whizzed thru Chapter 1 & 2 in science, along with activies to go with it. She got 100% on her spelling test. She's getting her math as she can explain how she got the anwer and not just do it (make sense?). She was able to tell me about Chapter 4 and 5 in history. We only did vocab words because it was the only thing I didn't do because she didn't want to write so we did it orally the first time. I got really lucky to have my parents to watch my younger two so I could really get to teach with my DD8. I did miss them because I am so use to them being around while teaching my oldest but it made school go by much smoother.

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:35 pm
by Carrie

It sounds like you have all been working hard getting underway with your school and are making wonderful progress! I really enjoyed reading about each of your weeks. I am making our schedule for back-to-school this week, and then we are headed off on vacation for a week. When we get back, we'll get underway with our "new" school year. So, you are each helping recharge my batteries to get my kiddos going on their new year! :D :D

We'll pray for each of you as you head into another week and pray that each of you will find the Lord near to you as you seek to answer His call on your life to homeschool! :D

Thanks for sharing,

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:59 pm
by funkmomma71
We completed week 5 of LHFHG and my daughter is just loving everything we do. She wants to do science everyday, so we do a lot of exploring in the backyard. We did go to the local bird/animal sanctuary for a field trip this week. She wanted to know more about quails and was bummed that they didn't have any quail there.

Like so many of the other ladies we have trouble getting everything done, so I so triage of sorts and put some things last and if we don't get to them it is no big deal. We also do Saturday school if we don't get all the important subjects done. Most Saturdays do consist of about 1/2 hour of school, but that's OK with my daughter as she would do school everyday if it was up to her.

She loves to hide God's Word in her heart. Doing anything with the Bible always gets high marks from her. She also loves storytime. To be honest she loves everything we do!! :P

We are using the the Reading Made Easy phonics program and she is making GREAT strides in reading! Everyday she wants to know if we are going to learn to read a new sentence. Before we started this program I had been trying to teach her reading but was failing miserably, she really grasps the concepts in this program.

My prayer is that everyone using this curriculum or any other curriculum finds a way to make it work for their family. Thank-you for such a wonderful curriculum.

Re: Our week thus far 8/28/08

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:11 pm
by holyhart
This was our first week back after the baby was born. We did unit 6 of LHFHG. Evelyn was so happy to be back doing school! I mentioned on another thread that she cried because we were done reading Reddy Fox, but she is now happily into Peter Cottontail! :D

Her favorite thing to do this week was building the city of Jericho and marching around it.
and knocking down to make the "walls come tumbling down"

She also liked doing the brick wall and red rope of Rahab.

Here are her and Joshua being donkey's in the reinactment of the story of Balaam and the angel.

We had a great week! It was so easy to get right back into school...Carrie you have really and truly created a great practicle for a busy mom who needs to keep things simple and yet my daughter gets SOOOOOO much from the lessons! I can't begin to thank you enough!!!! :D

You can read more on my blog...