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Week in Review: February 15-19, 2016

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:18 pm
by wonderfilled
Ok Girls,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week in Review: February 15-19, 2016

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:19 pm
by wonderfilled
Here's our week with Bigger Hearts. :) ... y-unit-22/

Re: Week in Review: February 15-19, 2016

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:05 pm
by LynnH
Here is a long overdue update on the World History guide ... 52016.html

Re: Week in Review: February 15-19, 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:48 am
by my3sons
Bigger Hearts for His Glory:
Emmett loves to dress up and act out historical events, so this week he had a lot of fun! We read about cowboys rounding up longhorn cattle on the Chisholm Trail. Emmett donned a cowboy hat to round up cattle (popcorn kernels) on the prairie (our kitchen table). I had quite a bit of fun too, as I became the problems cowboys faced by swooping in to scatter the cattle. I was a pack of 'coyotes,' a 'hailstorm,' and a bunch of loud noises that caused the cattle to stampede. Emmett rounded them up time and time again. This was a fun way to remember all that we learned during our reading of "Journeys in Time."
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Another great book Emmett is enjoying via Storytime is "By the Great Horn Spoon." This book is full of rip-roaring adventure and fun, and he loves to give oral narrations about it especially. The read-aloud books are chosen so carefully for encouraging this narrative response, and it is improving Emmett's LA skills so much. This year I decided to get audios of some of the Storytime books, as this is a busy year overall for us as a family. It has gone well, though I'd miss reading aloud to Emmett if I wasn't doing it for history and science...

For science, Emmett did a note booking page based on what we've been learning about pioneers in "The Pioneer Sampler." He copied an applicable Bible verse and made two columns contrasting the stores of old to more modern day stores. I love the connections he is making between Bible verses, history topics, science topics, and language arts type skills. These note booking activities teach him so much!

Occasionally big brother Wyatt helps out by stepping in to read or to listen to an oral narration. Both Emmett and he love this time together. It is a blessing of homeschooling - that siblings are together during the day and can be best friends regardless of age differences. :D

In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: February 15-19, 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:10 am
by my3sons
Revival to Revolution:
This week Riley has been reading about the colonies of Australia, the War in Crimea, and the Revolutions in France and Italy. For geography, Riley made a map of Australia depicting Tasmania, the Murray River between New South Wales and Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, and the Great Victorian Desert. Riley had read about Sturt exploring this area, colonists landing there, the city of Perth being colonized there, and Eyre traveling there as he struggled along the bay. Riley also mapped the "European Revolution of 1848," labeling various battle sites that led to King Charles X and Louis Philippe abdicating. Finally, Riley mapped the "Growth of the U.S.A." after reading about the compromise that was reached in 1850. Mapping what he has read brings it further to life and is an excellent skill for him to learn...
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Riley continues to add to his Classical Music Appreciation lap book by using both Amy Pak's beautiful printed drawings and Marin Alsop's inspiring audio tour via DVD. He is learning to enjoy classical music, and he likes to draw what he is imagining as he listens. It is fun to see all of his different projects coming together!

Exploration Education's Physical Science course has Riley building, creating, and experimenting his way through projects that he adores! I am considering getting the advanced version portion for him to just enjoy this summer. This is so right up his alley! He can't wait for science each day, and he often bursts in on me teaching another child to show us his latest experiment or to share his latest newfound knowledge. This is how science should be. Hands-on. Stimulating. Encouraging one to apply and synthesize what has been read by completing meaningful experiments. We. just. love. this!!! :D :D :D
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The icing on the cake is the reading of living books about inventors and the completion of the Inventor Student Notebook written narrations and timeline. Riley is definitely inspired by these inventors, and many of them not only had great minds - they had great hearts too. They were often family men or men who had strong faith or men who just had strong Godly character traits intact. I like our sons reading about men such as these...
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In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: February 15-19, 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:46 am
by my3sons
United States 1 - High School:
Wyatt has been studying the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable Acts, Common Sense, and Bunker Hill this unit. The meshing together of resources such as America: The Last Best Hope, Never Before in History, and The American Testimony DVD gives such a powerful memorable look at these events. After reading about the Boston Tea Party leading to the Parliament's passage of The Intolerable Acts from the viewpoints of several resources, Wyatt reread Patrick Henry's speed in a "bold, vehement, and animated: manner, as this was how this speech was historically described. He then took notes on these events as he watched his American Testimony DVD. He has really enjoyed this DVD and the visual component it adds to history. I enjoy his learning to take notes from a media source, as this is an important skill in today's world...
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After reading Great Documents in U.S History, Wyatt pondered the provided Critical Thinking questions and wrote his answers in his HOD U.S. 1 History journal. These questions definitely encourage higher level thinking, and I have enjoyed reading his responses. I feel all of the written narrations he did previously within HOD's guides prepared him well for this type of thinking, as did the reading of rich, living books for each subject. Wyatt gave a talking points oral narration on his reading from America: The Last Best Hope. He prepared an index card with his talking points ahead of time, and then used the card as he orally narrated to give sequence and substance to his narration. We then had a great discussion using the making connections questions provided in Great Documents in U.S. History...

For Bible, Wyatt is reading the book of Acts and answering questions each day within his workbook The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study. This systematic progression through the Bible is so important. I want my children to have the mindset that daily reading of the Bible, and progressing through reading the Bible from cover to cover again and again is like oxygen to a living, meaningful, ongoing relationship with the Lord. The Bible cannot be read too many times. Nor is one ever 'done' with what can be learned from reading it. Something special happens each and every time one is in the Word daily - it is God at work in one's heart and soul. The Scripture Wyatt is memorizing from his own Bible and the hymns he is singing with When Morning Gilds the Skies alongside the personal private natures of his prayer journal all work together to bring him closer and closer to Jesus. This is what true 'knowledge' is all about, for if one has no faith in God, all is lost and no amount of 'earthly' wisdom matters. I am most thankful for the Christ-centeredness of HOD in these teen years for my precious son...

Other favorites of Wyatt's are the Constitutional Literacy course and his Chemistry course. He likes the narrative way these are written...
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Finally, another wonderful living book Wyatt is enjoying reading is Give Me Liberty. Here is one of his double-entry journal assignments on this book...

In Christ,
Finally, another wonderful living book Wyatt is enjoying is