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Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:30 pm
by wonderfilled
Hello HOD Homeschoolers,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:31 pm
by wonderfilled
Here's our week with Bigger Hearts. We really enjoyed the potato stamp activity. It was so much fun! ... ry-unit-9/

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:57 pm
by LynnH

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:45 am
by my3sons
World History High School:
Drumroll... we just completed the World History High School Guide! :D :D :D HOORAY! The timing of all of this was perfect as Wyatt finished his guide right before he is going on a weeklong deer hunting trip with my husband. That means I'll have this week to look over all of his American History 1 Guide things, and I can get to planning how beginning a new guide will work into our current schedule! I have mixed feelings about this - excited we completed WH... excited to start AH1... sad my son is as old as he is... happy my son is as old as he is... sad to leave our wonderful intact routine and have to learn a new routine... happy to begin AH as a history to study - so perfect with all that is going on with our country right now... proud my ds has completed the WH guide so well... hopeful he'll do as well with the AH1 guide... Yikes! I'm a mess of emotions, aren't I?!? Sometimes it's like Wyatt has become the confident adult, and I'm the kid that needs cheering on. :shock: I was just sharing with him that I was a bit apprehensive about how starting a new guide right now will certainly add time to the day, as we have always found that at the start of the guide more time is required, but then time falls off the day as the year progresses. Wyatt just looped his arm around my shoulders with that slow side smile of his and said, "Aw, mom, you know I got this! Sure, it'll be busy at first, but before you know it, a few weeks in and I'll be in a good routine and turning out that work in no time!" I sure do love my son. We've somehow switched roles, but occasionally, it's kind of nice. :D

I have a few pictures of our last week in this guide. Pilgrim's Progress was a favorite of mine. We discussed it and enjoyed it all year long together. That, along with Total Health, was a very special time for the two of us. We shut the door early each morning and had a private discussion time together. It is kind of amazing to be able to talk as an adult for the most part with my teenage son about important, life-changing things. It is crucial to talk about these topics in a Christ-centerd way! I really don't know what I'd do without this daily 'bread' together. It helps the two of us make sense of what is going on around us in this crazy, sinful world. It also helps us take hold of the hope and the light that our believe in Christ Jesus gives! I'd not have traded these conversations this year for anything.

Writing - Wyatt having excellent skills in writing is important to me. Someone said to me the other day that they were concerned about the writing in high school as they were looking at homeschool curriculum. I thought we were on the same page, and they were saying they were concerned that the writing would be rigorous enough to prepare their students for their future life after high school, for their future career or life purpose. I was wrong! They were concerned they may have to write too much. Anyway, it just took me by surprise as next to being well-read, being able to write is pretty crucial to future success in almost any walk of life. If you cannot express yourself, your opinion, your knowledge in writing in today's day and age of communication, you are going to have an uphill battle. Less and less face to face verbal communication is taking place today. For many, their skills will be known to their employers only through their writing, typing, emailing, messaging, yikes - that makes me shudder a bit. Wyatt said to me the other day that he couldn't imagine any HOD graduate not being a good writer. He said he thought it was such a strength of the guides because he has learned to use writing to express his opinion, support his ideas, write essays, retell important events, write creatively and poetically - he said really if a student did HOD's guides, he should be well prepared for college on all fronts, especially writing. I agree. Writing doesn't scare Wyatt. The blank page doesn't scare Wyatt. Essays don't phase Wyatt. He can sit down and write his thoughts, opinions, summaries, narrations, essays, poems, creative writing assignments with ease now. I am so thankful! I like his theme he wrote from Bonhoeffer... "Staying faithful to God will bring a much greater reward than any given for staying faithful to your country"... What an awesome year!

In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 12:53 pm
by LynnH
Julie, Congratulations to Wyatt and you on finishing the WH guide! I agree that the writing is such a strong point for HOD. I look forward to seeing your posts for the AH1 guide. It truly helps me know what to expect for when Noah gets there.

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:18 am
by rumkimom
Julie - yah on your son completing his guide!!

I have not posted an update in a long time and figured I would work backwards and do the most current one first. LOL We had 2 really good weeks and then 2 not so good weeks. <sigh> Such is life!!

Nov 9-13 – This week was a tough week again. Wed was a holiday and dad was home, then Thursday I had Jury duty (we were all dismissed very early in the day…yah!!) so that messed things up. Also I was not feeling well most of the week so the boys did just some basics (handwriting, math and reading). I am very proud of Melody for doing 5 boxes a day in Res to Ref even with very little help…she was determined to get it done and did it well. We have now completed Unit 6. We had been doing closer to 7 boxes a day the previous 2 weeks as we are trying to go faster with her.

Opps...I noticed the photo says Unit 7 but it was unit 6 instead!! :oops:


Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:37 am
by my3sons
LynnH wrote:Julie, Congratulations to Wyatt and you on finishing the WH guide! I agree that the writing is such a strong point for HOD. I look forward to seeing your posts for the AH1 guide. It truly helps me know what to expect for when Noah gets there.
Thanks, Lynn! Another milestone met - it feels good! :D I love to read about Noah's year as well. He is amazing to me! I've showed Wyatt some of your blog of Noah, and Wyatt always has good things to say about it. "He looks like a pretty neat guy, mom! It's neat you've gotten to meet him!" is what he said last time. Anyway, it's just nice for him to see other young Christian men his age doing HOD and putting their faith out there for all to see. Courageous, and a sign of inner strength flowing from the best power source available - faith in Jesus Christ! Anyway, my plan is to try to continue to post weekly check-in's, though I don't always have them done as timely as I'd like to. Have a good rest of your week, and thanks for sharing in my joy at Wyatt finishing his guide!

In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:43 am
by my3sons
rumkimom wrote:Julie - yah on your son completing his guide!!

I have not posted an update in a long time and figured I would work backwards and do the most current one first. LOL We had 2 really good weeks and then 2 not so good weeks. <sigh> Such is life!!

Nov 9-13 – This week was a tough week again. Wed was a holiday and dad was home, then Thursday I had Jury duty (we were all dismissed very early in the day…yah!!) so that messed things up. Also I was not feeling well most of the week so the boys did just some basics (handwriting, math and reading). I am very proud of Melody for doing 5 boxes a day in Res to Ref even with very little help…she was determined to get it done and did it well. We have now completed Unit 6. We had been doing closer to 7 boxes a day the previous 2 weeks as we are trying to go faster with her.
I love to ready your weekly check-in's, rumkimom! :D :D :D I love your scrapbook like look of the week - so creative! I read it every week you post, and I want you to know that others are doing the same and taking encouragement from your posts. I share this because people will mention it to me on the phone for HOD or in emails or in person at book fairs. Sometimes it seems when we are sharing our hearts here that our posts may just idly pass without anyone taking notice. Not true! In fact, people take notice weeks, months, years later! So, I love the pictures, and I am very proud of your daughter's determination to meet her goal of doing 5 boxes a day, and I am very proud of her progress, and I also think her work is lovely as well as her smiles! :D :D :D I'm so sorry that you have not been feeling well,
I haven't either for some reason. I think it sounds like you held things together quite amazingly between not feeling well and JURY DUTY. :shock: Anyway, thank you for sharing, and I hope you have a good weekend of catching up on some much needed rest ahead!

In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:06 am
by my3sons
Revival to Revolution:
This time period has been full of some surprisingly witty moments, as well as full of some heart-wrenchingly serious moments. It is somewhat of a paradox! One of the witty moments this week had my son laughing outright. It was elaborate hair-do's ladies sported showing their support of this or that political happening! The pictures in the RevtoRev Notebook are priceless. I think I'd need to see my chiropractor more regularly if I tried to sport a do like that for the presidential elections now! Anyway, Riley got to create his own drawing of his own idea for a hairdo such as these for today, and he had a lot of fun with it, and a lot of chuckles too! :D
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For "Drawn into the Heart of Reading" Riley has been reading "Salt in His Blood," which he is loving! HOD has a knack of picking awesome books that are gems unknown sometimes. This is one of them! For one of Riley's assignments, he had to create a different title, front cover, and back cover summary for "Salt in His Blood." As it is about a seafaring young man, I think he did a super job of making his cover his own! :D
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His RevtoRev Notebook continues to be a wonderful way to showcase what he has learned each week, and here are a few pictures of this week's work...
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In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: November 9-13, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:48 am
by my3sons
Bigger Hearts for His Glory:
Another week of fun in BHFHG! We are entering the middle of the guide, and oh how I love to be at that juncture! :D Emmett is just getting comfortable, feeling like he's 'got this,' and now he's to the point where he is just plain enjoying school. Things that were harder at the start - such as writing multiple sentences, beginning cursive, starting multiplication, writing grammar lessons, doing vocabulary cards, writing DITHOR Student Book answers, etc. - they are all just a natural part of what he does each day, and he is enjoying it! :D I am always truly amazed at the progress I see in my dc within the course of this guide in particular. It truly is amazing! Creation to Christ is another guide I see as being a 'growing and maturing' year. But, anyway, a wonderful place for us to be in BHFHG! :D

One of the ways Emmett is also maturing is within the skill set of note booking. His notebook entries are becoming better and better. Whereas they used to be tiny, somewhat scribbly and colored in a less than wonderful way, now though they are not perfect they are balanced, quite neat, and have more thought put into the final product. This is such a good way for him to respond to what we've read. He better remembers what we have read because his note booking helps him commit it to memory in a meaningful, lasting way! :D Here are some of the note booking assignments we've enjoyed for science this week...
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Finally, Emmett is making good progress with his multiplication in math! HOORAY! :D I have found it crucial to do the hands-on activities for Singapore Math 2A/2B in the HOD BHFHG guide. They just better help commit the facts to memory. They are also fun! This week we worked on the 4's. I snapped a picture of one of the hands-on activities, which had him putting animals with 4 legs in pens and counting their legs by 4's. He talked me into using his beanie balz for one of the animals - which really was a stretch, as the hands and legs are pretty much nonexistent. :D He also sang his facts along with his Skip Counting Bible Heroes CD, and that was fun too!

In Christ,