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Re: Week-in Review April 10-17 /2015

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:58 am
by spidermansmum
Okay lets finish up the year strong. The summer , with its finishing line is in sight.
What was YOUR week like?

You can post:

a- A
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD.

Re: Week-in Review April 10-17 /2015

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:05 am
by spidermansmum ... 4.html?m=1
So I actually managed to get a photo of my biggest boy doing school this week. He is enjoying Viking Quest so much and Leif the Lucky. We made an edible model of a coral reef polyp . His writing is steadily making process and so is his reading. He often reminds me that he can do his work independently now and he likes that it is very clear what I expect him to do for school work. We still cover the boxes with a post it note. Just like we did all those years ago!

Re: Week-in Review April 10-17 /2015

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:14 am
by spidermansmum ... 3.html?m=1
I made an interesting discovery this week. As always , with raising children -just as you think you have it all figured out -along comes a child to re-adjust all you thought you knew. MY discovery was that Bear plays up and messes around at school time when he is not stretched and challenged -in almost exactly the same way as his older brother does when he gets overwhelmed and decides something is too hard. We have hit the end of the workbook 2A in Singapore math and we are reviewing everything. He obviously found it un challenging enough. Thankfully we have the next several workbooks all lined up for him!
He has had a good week and is thriving well.

Re: Week-in Review April 10-17 /2015

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:20 am
by spidermansmum ... 3.html?m=1
And finally -my littlest one. She is loving her special time with me. It doesn't happen every day. Sometimes we go to Mums bible study or toddler praise . As she is still so small we are going slow. I love her singing the rhyme for each unit . Adorable. I loved her Abraham picnic with her dolls. Lots of fun and no stress.

Re: Week-in Review April 10-17 /2015

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:53 am
by Nealewill
Very cute pictures :-) I love that tall creation your youngest made. Very high!

We actually took the week off this past week. My oldest daughter was in the production Alice's Advemtures in Wonderland at our co-op. She played the part of Dodo and the Door Mouse. It was actually an absolutely wonderful production and a ton of fun. But she had play practice every day this week as it was crunch week. Needless to say, no HOD school got done :-).

I can't wait to post next week though. My oldest has been going 1/2 speed for about a month or so now. And she is begging me to let her go full speed again LOL. I am struggling because she does so much outside of HOD right now (she just finished the play, she has a piano recital this Sunday, and she is finishing up some major projects for AWANA) that I just don't have time for it all! We have only 3 more full weeks of AWANA left and I told her once she gets all of her extras done, then she can go full speed :-) I think she is really pushing herself to get CTC done before summer because she REALLY wants to start R2R in the fall. I don't know......we will see :-) If she goes 1/2 speed for 4 more weeks, and we stop the first week of June, se will have completed up through week 31. But she actually asked me if she could keep working once summer started so that she could finish. Again.....IDK! That is more time on me :-( So I am just praying about it. Part of me wanted her to go 1/2 speed because there is more reading in R2R and I wanted to save a few weeks of CTC for next year to ease her in. But her reading has really picked up these past few weeks too. She is reading SO fast with everything I give her. Maybe she is ready for the next level. I will just let God decide her path - I know if it gets nice out and her friends are out she won't care about doing school anymore :-)