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Weekly Check-In 6/6/08

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:00 pm
by peridot
Ok, I am not sure how many of you are still doing school but we are. We need to get as much in as we can before the baby is born in Sept. Well, I have been taking a few pictures here and there all week and I have posted them on my blog. We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to Monday! Can you believe THAT? ... -week.html

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:56 pm
by Kathleen

Thanks for those great pictures on the blog! Your girls looked like they were having a blast with their school work. I'm going to be doing Bigger when we start back up. Putting the continents and oceans on the soccer ball looks like a great activity!

Thanks for sharing! I love to see what everyone's doing!
:D Kathleen

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:18 am
by MamaMary
Hi April, (((Waving)))

I loved your weekly share. I am very sad that we are not doing HOD right now. Since I am teaching it at co-op in the fall I have to wait until after I go away in a couple of weeks for my homeschool planning retreat to figure it all out? What can I do right now and what should I hold off on, to do in class? We will be doing DITHOR though! (woohoo)

I LOVED your pictures! First of all, those girls are such cutie patootey's. They looked like they were having a ball. I liked how your hubby set up your bookshelves. Tell me about the 4 baskets? I know you said they are for books you are currently working on, but can you explain that? Do you use all 4 boxes for HOD books in different categories? Or do you have books outside of HOD? (library)

Mary, who is reorganizing her home and loves all the help she can get :D

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:44 am
by peridot
Thank you! We did have fun and can't wait for more!

The baskets are used as one for each of us. I have a bin, 7 yr old has a bin, 5 yr old has a bin and even 2 yr old has a bin. :-) They are used to keep all the materials we are using this week, from math to science per child. Everything else that we aren't using goes on the shelves. It made it easier without having them going through the books on the shelves all the time. They love it. It is for their books...their little space. My bin holds the HOD TM's and read alouds. You want to know what is really amazing? They don't go through each other's bins. I can't believe I found something that works so well for us! :-)

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:46 am
by MamaMary
peridot wrote:Thank you! We did have fun and can't wait for more!

The baskets are used as one for each of us. I have a bin, 7 yr old has a bin, 5 yr old has a bin and even 2 yr old has a bin. :-) They are used to keep all the materials we are using this week, from math to science per child. Everything else that we aren't using goes on the shelves. It made it easier without having them going through the books on the shelves all the time. They love it. It is for their books...their little space. My bin holds the HOD TM's and read alouds. You want to know what is really amazing? They don't go through each other's bins. I can't believe I found something that works so well for us! :-)
I was just getting ready to get off here, grab my coffee and have my quiet time and I heard my computer bleep that I had an e-mail. :D Oooh I LOVE that each child and you have your own bins! Thanks April! BTW, I have so enjoyed your blog :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:05 am
by beandip71
April-I really enjoyed your blog. I left you a comment. :D I might have to use your idea for a bin for each child.

We finished LHFHG this week and we are officially done w/ my dd's K year. She is very excited to be a first grader and I am looking forward to using Beyond. I took a photo of her on our last day. You can check it out on my blog. ... chool.html


Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:16 am
by peridot

I also left you a comment! :-D She looks so adorable and happy!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:28 pm
by Carrie
Ooh, ladies! :D I loved reading about all the fun your little ones were having since we've been away at convention. It was wonderful to come home to your kiddos sweet little faces! :wink:

Congratulations, Gina, on your little one being done with Little Hearts... HOORAY! :D :D :D

April, we use the bin idea at our house too! It works great. 8) I'm so glad you had a wonderful week. It is good to look forward to Monday.

We're enjoying our time off from school right now and rejoicing in the beautiful weather.

Thanks for sharing.
