Week In Review 3-27-09

This forum is for sharing what your week was like with Heart of Dakota. The goal is to post on Thursdays. You can share a picture, a blog link, a written synopsis, your favorite memory, or anything you want that shares your HOD excitement.

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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by netpea » Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:49 pm

Oh Kathleen, you will be in my prayers too. May the Lord comfort your soul as no one else can.
Lee Ann
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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by pollo_la » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:00 am

Jessi wrote:Laurie- Thanks for the link about your reading program. Sounds like a lot of fun! OPG seems to work for us as long as I keep the lessons short. We typically do only half a page a day. I try not to overwhelm her with too much reading and she responds well to that. She is reading quite well now and realizing that she CAN read. It is great to watch that lightbulb turn on when we are in a store and she starts reading the names of the items on the shelf and then stops and almost as if she is amazed with herself just smiles! Love it!! But when it comes time to teach my son I may keep CMRS in mind as he learns different from his sister. :D Oh and what are the "you create it books"?
Jessi, this post in my blog talks about the "you create it books" a bit. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/adventure/669940/ Basically we are givin the sentences each week to write in a blank book. Sometimes we just fold paper together for a book and other times we get fancy and use books from barebooks.com. I write the sentences in the book in advance (you could easily make up your own books for Emma based on what she is currently learning... throw in some easy words and some more challenging words). Right now, at my dd's level the books typically have 8-10 pages and have one sentence on each page. She reads the sentence on a page and then she illustrates the picture. Sometimes she will use stickers or sometimes she will just color. Whatever she wants to do with "her page" she has the freedom to do (after she has read the sentence! :D ). She is so proud of her work that she will then re-read her books to daddy, her little sister, grandma, etc. It has been wonderful to see her reading skills improve AND as an added bonus her drawing and fine motor skills have really improved too.

Kathleen, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a miscarriage. "BIG HUG" I pray that God will bring you much needed comfort at this time.
Wife to Daniel since June 2002
Mom to: Odessa (5) using LHFHG and Emerging Readers from BLHFHG,
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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by spidermansmum » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:10 am

Kathleen.Im so sorry .I praying for you .
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by spidermansmum » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:29 am

Julie- I liked Wyatts' pirate poem and Rileys clam pictures.I am amazed at how many things are linked together into our HOD studies :D
Laurie -Odessa's garden of Eden picture was really good
Janet- happy Birthday to Luke and it was neat being able to see him 'grow'
Jessie -.Emma is very cute in he r dramatic pictures of eating the manna.I enjoyed reading your blog .
Our thanksgiving meal went well-we had to use a squash to make pumpkin pie with but it tasted like pumpkin.We were in the USA for thanksgiving a few years ago -so we had alittle bit of experience but I love teaching american history because I studied it-many,many years ago for history .We have an american history museum a fe hours away' that I hoping to go to again soon.Im trying to add a little british history too
Kathleen- I know I love it when my husband takes a turn at teaching our children and I know they love it more.I love the pictures of Allison and Garret enjoying their school .
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
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LHTH slowly with my 2 year old
Starting Bigger with my 8 y/o About to add on DITHOR
Finishing Preparing with my 12year with ASD/LD

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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by Dustybug » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:02 pm

I am completely late in posting this this week, but we had a really busy weekend and didn't get the chance until today. Here's my blog link to our week:
http://reachtothemoonandback.blogspot.c ... eek-5.html

I'll be back in a bit to read over everyone else's!
Mommy to
Gabriella (7) BLHFHG, ETC, Song School Latin
Aron (5) TMJ's Fruit for Tender Hearts, ETC, Singapore Essentials Math K
Lydia (3) Learning letters, numbers, shapes, and colors

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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by my3sons » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:13 pm

Oh Kathleen, I am so sorry about your miscarriage! I wish I could come over and help you out, just to watch your precious kids for a bit so you could rest, or give you and your dh some time alone. I've had a miscarriage as well, and it just hurts all around - emotionally, physically, mentally - it is just a difficult time. I am praying for you and will continue to hold you up in prayer. Jesus cares deeply about everything you are going through - He loves you more than any of us can possibly begin to know how to love. I remember not knowing how to pray about my miscarriage, but the Lord already anticipated times like that, and gave us the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf, knowing just what to say. You are such a wonderful, faith-filled Christian, Kathleen - God will take care of you through all of this. I am praying for you, my good friend. You are going to come out the other side of this and be alright - God will be there with you through it all - I know it in my heart. Praying for you and your dh!

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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by Amey » Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:41 pm

Kathleen, lifting you up tonight in prayer. So sorry for your loss :cry:

I was away for the weekend without computer access and did not have time to get it all figured out before I left...so, I am going to try again now that I have my pics in Photobucket:

First, a test picture: Image
okay gonna test this...
Missionary Mama in Mexico to Benjamin 02, Averic 04 and Deacon 07 and our first GIRL, Phoebe, born August 16, 2009
using Bigger Hearts for my 2nd grade son, finished Beyond last year for 1st
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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by Amey » Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:42 pm

Okay, yeah, that was HUGE!!! How do I make it smaller? oh me. :?
Missionary Mama in Mexico to Benjamin 02, Averic 04 and Deacon 07 and our first GIRL, Phoebe, born August 16, 2009
using Bigger Hearts for my 2nd grade son, finished Beyond last year for 1st
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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by Amey » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:16 pm

Here we go, think I got it. So sorry about this!

This past week we learned about the flag of Old England in history (Beyond Little Hearts) and what a beautiful sight it must have been for those pilgrims who were already trying to settle in to Plymouth Colony when they saw this flag on a ship coming from home. Benjamin loves "Stories of The Pilgrims" and history is a favorite part of his day. He had fun painting his flag of Old England!ImageBen really liked the poem "The Arrow and The Song" and drew a picture each day to go along with his copy work. Later in the week we had an experiment that demonstrated how liquid vs. solid foods are digested by using a coffee filter and "broth" and cracker crumbs. This tied in to our history as we had read about the pilgrims teaching the Indians how to use broth when they were ill.
Another day for history we read about Governer William Bradford filling a snake skin with gun powder and sending it to an Indian tribe who had made a threat against the pilgrims. This tied in to our science lesson for the day as we read about snakes and reptiles and then Benjamin made a snake of his own.
Averic, (4 years) is in Unit 2 of Little Hands and this week we focused on the letter "B". We painted "B", built a "B" with Legos on the masking tape pattern and worked on finding B's in words. We read about Noah and His family and his obedience to God even when it might have seemed silly to others to build such a huge boat on dry land. Our finger play was about Noah and the animals and really helped Averic put the "B" sound to memory! We did an experiment to find out which items would float and which would sink after discussing how such a huge boat could float on the water and we learned about (and built) the tower of Babel. It was a great week!Image
Image ImageImage ImageImageImageImage

And last but not least, this is what Deacon did while his older brothers had school :D

So, hopefully this all prints out well and not so huge..! *fingers crossed* :D
Missionary Mama in Mexico to Benjamin 02, Averic 04 and Deacon 07 and our first GIRL, Phoebe, born August 16, 2009
using Bigger Hearts for my 2nd grade son, finished Beyond last year for 1st
Come visit our family website! http://www.familyafair.com

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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by Amey » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:20 pm

Well ladies..I just sat here for almost an hour doing what I *thought* was the correct way to post pics...I ended up posting the same pic 8 times. Sheeesh.. maybe another day...
Missionary Mama in Mexico to Benjamin 02, Averic 04 and Deacon 07 and our first GIRL, Phoebe, born August 16, 2009
using Bigger Hearts for my 2nd grade son, finished Beyond last year for 1st
Come visit our family website! http://www.familyafair.com

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Re: Week In Review 3-27-09

Post by spidermansmum » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:31 am

Amey -I loved your pictures-Your doing just fine .I am really intrested in your post because your doing beyond little hearts and little hands and thats the combination I will be doing next year beyond and little hands :D .Im happy to hear that your son likes Stories for pilgrims -we will be doing those next year .Great flag of England :D
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
currently Using
LHTH slowly with my 2 year old
Starting Bigger with my 8 y/o About to add on DITHOR
Finishing Preparing with my 12year with ASD/LD

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